Well, it's simple really. I was in a magical fairy land and the magical fairy said "If you could make any creature in the world, what would it be?" , i thought and thought but i couldn't think of anything. The next day i realized. A Unicorn!
So then, the Unicorn told me that it could create a source of power but do it only once, so i said that i wanted a genie. The genie told me i had 3 wishes, my first wish was that i wanted 10 more wishes. My second wish was that i wanted 10 more wishes. My third wish was that i wanted 10 more wishes. We shall now skip on until i change my wish. My seven hundred and ninety fourth wish was that i wanted a cat which pooped rainbows and had an awesome song to go with it; and that was how the nyan cat was made!
Once, in the paralell universe, I had a cat. He liked poptarts, and did also like the music "Nyan". He liked rainbows too, and that was how the nyan cat was made!
Once, in my art class my teacher said, "draw anything you want!!" so i started to draw a cute little cat, then i thought, I KNOW add a poptart!! so i added a poptart on to him, he was looking sooooo cute!!! ut then i thought, how cool would he look if he pooped a rainbow... soon he was complete with colour and stars behind him, and because i was the first one, miss said i could choose some music for the rest of the lesson. I chose Nyan and put it on. Suddenly my cat jumped out of my book and sang along, as he flew into space. and that to me, was how nyan cat was made!!
yeah i know there's that game and all, but then again, it's fun to make up your own story. And yes I know about the other variations but they were all made because of nyan cat so there, and let people make up their own storys!