Name: Inspector Find Level: 1 Finding: 5 (6) Questioning: 3 Strength:2 Weapons: Sharp button Inventory: Clock Clothes: Old Cap, Long Coat, Smart Shoes, Black Trousers/Pants
You enter an old, wooden house measuring about 30 meters in the air. You are standing infront of an old lady that opens the door. "What do you want sir?"
Name: Inspector Find Level: 1 Finding: 11 Questioning: 3 Strength:2 Weapons: Sharp button Inventory: Clock Clothes: Old Cap, Long Coat, Smart Shoes, Black Trousers/Pants
Due to your poor questioning skills she is shocked and slams the door in your face. You go round the back of the house and see a cellar door. "This is my way in" you say to yourself.
You are inside and you hear someone coming down to the cellar. On your right are piles of cocoa beans and on your left is a fridge followed by a brick wall. What do you do?
Name: Inspector Fresco Level: 1 Finding: 7 Questioning: 6 Strength: 3 Weapons: Sharp button Inventory: Clock Clothes: Old Cap, Long Coat, Smart Shoes, Black Trousers/Pants
On the investigation of a different house, you are witness with a posh, modern how in the outskirts of California. You ring the door bell and a smart, young man answers the door. "What are you in need of Inspector?"
Name: Inspector Find Level: 1 Finding: 11 Questioning: 3 Strength:2 Weapons: Sharp button Inventory: Clock Clothes: Old Cap, Long Coat, Smart Shoes, Black Trousers/Pants
In doing this, you alert the woman. She runs away screaming with a police dialled in her hand. You tell her that you are from the government but she runs away from you and grabs a kitchen knife. She then turns around and screams at you, "Get out of this house right now you filthy scum!". You quickly dash to the living room. The television is on and there is a teddy bear covered in tomato sauce on the couch. What do you do?
Name: Inspector Fresco Level: 1 Finding: 7 Questioning: 6 Strength: 3 Weapons: Sharp button Inventory: Clock Clothes: Old Cap, Long Coat, Smart Shoes, Black Trousers/Pants
A murder, as said in the title. As you asked, your particular murder investigation is of 3 gunshots to the chest made by a young man in a black hoodie. This man is a suspect.