-Post claiming a blank country on the global map (see latest post for the most up to date version). Be sure to NAME your empire and pick a COLOR. If map is full or you wish to join an existing empire, skip to step 2.
-Each post after you may claim any country touching your empire, just be sure to post with details of what empire your attacking with. The same empire may Not attack twice in a row.
When attacking an unclaimed country (75% chance to capture, 15% chance to resist, 10% chance to defeat you and turn into barbarian state)
When attacking a claimed country (60% chance to capture, 25% chance to resist, 15% chance to defeat you and claim country your attacking with)
When attacking world power country (Russia, Great Britain, United States, China, Japan, Germany) (15% chance to capture, 70% chance to resist, 05% chance to defeat you and claim country your attacking with)
- "World Power" owning empires can attack anywhere on the map
- And finally, First empire to own the map claims victory, sounds simple right? here we go:
Mort_Kawasak rolls (93) and spews Andorra into Chaos! PerryKid Rolls (66) and fails to invade Ukraine Mort_Kawasak rolls (38) and captures Luxembourg! Patrick2011 rolls (62) and captures Sulawesi! Mort_Kawasaki rolls (20) and captures Italy! PerryKid Rolls (72) and fails to invade France
My games never have a closing date, you can join anything by me whenever.
Patrick2011 Borneo is the name of the island, however there are 4 countries that need to be tamed in order to capture it PerryKid Failed due to double post TheFinalPhoenix there are two countries below mexico, google a map and find em' out PerryKid failed due to double post
PerryKid Rolls (66) Failing to put down the rebels
Key: Rebels- Grey TheFinalPhoenix - Blue PerryKid - Russia - Red nomoreheroes23 - Green Mort_Kawasaki- Yellow Patrick2011- Orange WorstSniper- Brown Hypermnestra- Purple