Hey guys. Came here for the first time, thought I'd create an RPG, didn't read mmuch how to create one, just gonna freestyle. So, your character has different "traits". Everyone starts at level one. Here's the sheet: Character Name: Level Strength Defence Intelligence Special Abilities World Be sure, every time you post something to copy and paste that sheet with your personal settings. You can also level up and gain points and weapons, which will come later. There are 4 factions: Nikronia Virsameth Ugrulsia Sukrilsh
Nikronia is in the upper left hand corner, and is one of the largest worlds Virsameth takes the right hand side of the map, and is another one of the largest Ulgrusia is near the center of the map, supceptible to attacks, but has the best natural resources Sukrilsh has 3 territories, each one third the size of Ulgrulsia, and is spread out evenly.
You can choose only one faction but can defect. No spies or mercenaries. I shall control who wins the battles, which you can only do one a day. In a battle, put your information, and the information of the one who you are attacking. You may team up with people of other worlds.
You may have weapons. Level one weapons: Club, Stick, Coal, Pebble, and Flower Each weapon levels with you, and may have special abilities, which goes into your Special Ability characteristic. You can't change your weapon, so pick carefully. Only I know what your weapon levels up to, and you go from weapon of level 1 to 10, 25, 50, and 100. So, go ahead, and remember, I can do anything, sink Islands, towns, starts fires, send a gift from heaven, et cetera. So go ahead, and don't get into arguments. Please.
Maybe a bit more story (not required). What are the starting values of our traits? Is 'world' the same as 'faction'? Because you said: "No spies or mercenaries", does that mean we can pick classes? Also, what do you mean by "but can defect"?
I'm probably going to cancel this, it might be too much work and an investment. So, I don't think I'm going to respond to any comments, so just write anything you want on here I guess.