ForumsForum GamesWorld War

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62 posts

The aim of the game is to be the only empire left in the world. Here are the rules:

You will choose a country and a colour (not white.) However, you cannot start of with a superpower (More info. below.) You can choose to attack any country adjacent (next) to you. You must also state which country you attack with in case the country your attacking retaliates. You can only do one attack per post and you cannot double post. You have to wait for someone else to post first instead.

To determine whether or not you are successful I will use a random number generator up to 100.

If attacking an unclaimed country: 1-80 = Success, 81-100 = Resist.
If attacking a claimed country: 1-55 = Success, 56-90 = Resist,
91-100 = Retaliate.
If attacking a super power: 1-40 = Success, 41-70 = Resist, 71-100 = Retaliate.

The super powers are: USA, Great Britain, Germany, Russia and China.
The super powers will also be marked with a black 'S' (Colour will change if owned by country with black or dark colour)

If you own 3 superpowers you can attack any country on the same continent as your attacking with as long as it's not another superpower (Russia can be in both Europe and Asia and Australasia and Asia count as the same continent.)

If you own 4 super powers than you are restricted to only your super continent (East: Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia, West: North and South america) and you can attack other superpowers.

If you own all 5 superpowers than you can attack any country anywhere on the globe.

I will update the map every day and the attacks will be in order of post so some attacks may not count. You can also have alliances and if all the remaining countries are allies than you all win (not including the first three days) No player limit, can join any time unless the map is completely claimed

This is roughly what my daily updates will look like(although of course this one is blank):

Example: Attacking country - Target country - number result - word result


Example:Empire name(Profile name) - Colour

Example:Empire 1 - Empire 2

Note: When I say double post, it only counts as a double post if both posts are attacks.

  • 2 Replies
62 posts

Oh and I forgot to say, you CANNOT attack other countries until I post my first update (This doesn't count.)

Also, both empires have to agree to an alliance first.

62 posts

****, I forgot how to add images. Here's the map image:

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