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In the far future there is only the year 40,000 the galixy has been thrust into a state of perpetual war. this blood sheed leads to the deaths of trillions of humans daily but know worries, there are over 12billion people on every planet and there are over 1 billion planets not including Recruiting planets and Forge-worlds.

Almost 1,00 year ago humans almost one the war with the invention of the Space marine. there were legions of them, bio engineered and modified these 8 foot 400 pound all muscle super humans were undefetable until the betrayer of the Primarch, a legion leader, fell to the forces of Chaos.

The chaos are daemons that live in the Demention of the warp, they minipulate all of the other races in there conquest for blood.Horus , the primarch, took legions of Space marines to the forces of chaos. those battles lasted years. Years of constant fighting but the Space marines one when the Emperor of man defeated Horus, but the battle Crippled the emperor and he know live in a stable and still golden throne and is feed pure life energy of physkers.

You are a space marine, pure you fight all the enemies of Man and the emperor, you WILL purge all who stand in your path.

Name: ( somethig serious)
Rank: acolyte
Scars: Surgery
Chapter: ( if you know any you can put one if not ill assign you one acording you your type)
Type: Tactical ( mixed skills)
Weapon: 7 Caliber bolter rifle
Melee: Standard Combat knife
Equipment: nothing
Armor: Mk.10

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