I kill Webkinzlover7654 because they still like webkinz. Youu are killed In NY, your body is hung under the statue of liberty's hand, no hard feelings. Also, there is a note attached to your body "I have no regrets."
I knock you out, then get in a chopper, fly to the top of the statue of liberty, then skuer your head on the middle spike of the crown like a shish-ca-bob!
I kill you because you have bad grammer, spelled voodoo wrong, died because of a meteor made of diamonds, and because killing somone of the opposite gender is such a big deal to you.
How do I kill you, I'll let you decide. 1. Take you to YellowStone's geyser, and you're blown sky high being roasted alive 2. Medieval 3. The Void 4. Death by Ants 5. Death by Bees 6. Death by Helium