ForumsGame WalkthroughsRaze 2 Lvl 14 Alien Campaign Guidelines

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210 posts

Well first off u have to have good weapons and pick the right Equipment and the right Ability.
K ill put it down in Number form.

Since you are playing Alien campaign always use alien weapons they do more damage then human ones

1.Starter=Plasma Pistol.
2.Side Arm=Burst Torch (Mainly cause of the Accuracy and the Range) or Magnum (Very powerful)
3.Close Range=Zapper (good Alien weapon) or Shotgun (My personal Fav)
4.Automatic=Precision Laser (Best on for alien Campaign)
5.Long Range=Holy Grail (Mainly because it is so powerful and kills the Raze soldier in 2 hits)
6.Heavy=Laser Minigun (Mainly cause it fire very fast) or Destroyer (Very Powerful)
7.Explosive=Rocket Launcher (its always the best!)

K now that we have gone threw the Weapons we can now go threw the Abilities.

I mainly like to choose
Static Field
Grenade or Teleport! (if u can buy it) these ones helped me a lot! And its mainly personal preference, if u are better with katana then Static Field use Katana.

K now Equipment, now u always gotta check with your weapons what is the things that other weapons have that they don't E.g Longer range, Accuracy etc. with those weapons that i wrote Above they will work fine so u don't need any equipment that will have more damage or longer range etc, these are the ones i will choose.

1. Defensive= Combat Armour (+50 Max Health)
2. Utility Equipment= Pickup Booster (good for when low on health)
3. Offensive= Extra Clips (Good for weapons like Holy Grail u will have more Ammo!)

Well thats all the things that u need and remember always RUSH the Raze Soldier Cause u only have 3min,
the other enemies are easy just focus on the Raze soldier.

K thats all! Oh Yeah remember Practise makes Perfect so if u keep on dying, just play quick matches set the difficulty to Insane and try to win in less then 3minutes!
Also if this doesn't help let me know please respond!

KhaoticSniper. 0_____0

  • 20 Replies
37 posts

Man when u must kill humans u are definitly in alien campain

210 posts

Man when u must kill humans u are definitly in alien campain

Just making sure man.
7 posts

Level 15 Alien Campaign may be described as "impossible" to complete due to its difficulty in finding the Raze Soldier. Your main task therefore, would be:
*Scour the map for Raze Soldier
*Kill him
Killing him,however, is harder than it looks. He has 500% health and almost always will be seen wielding a Rocket Launcher, the highest one-shot damage weapon in the game. Here is a selection from my ammo that is effective against Raze Soldier's deadly combi.

Shotgun: Shotguns are your best bet to killing the Raze Soldier without using the Holy Grail or the Rocket Launcher, as Shotguns pack almost as much damage. Get in close and shoot once to wipe off 100-200% HP from him, and then keep on firing with the Shotgun to kill him off.

Holy Grail: Holy Grails are actually pretty useful in terms of going 1-on-1 with an enemy, but that does not apply with the Raze Soldier's 500% HP. Instead, shooting him carefully with Double Damage would be enough to wipe 300-400% HP from him.

Rocket Launcher: A MUST-HAVE. Grab the double damage powerup and then shoot thrice at the Raze Soldier, bye bye Raze Soldier. Also, due to the recoil damage inflicted at close range, switch out to Holy Grail if not facing against Raze soldier

With this tips, hopefully, you have a better chance of winning; it worked for me.

If all these does not work for you, you need professional help. go to's_Demise. It is the official wiki for Raze Two. They have a lot of tips for winning the level

2,074 posts

Man when u must kill humans u are definitly in alien campain

It could be in a quick match, too. Or you could be in the Human Campaign and just betraying your teammates.
210 posts

Killing him,however, is harder than it looks. He has 500% health and almost always will be seen wielding a Rocket Launcher, the highest one-shot damage weapon in the game. Here is a selection from my ammo that is effective against Raze Soldier's deadly combi.

I find that he is always near the invincibility and Power up Ive played it soo many times and hes always near there.
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