Name: Glades
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Job: Homeless
SP: 8
Persuasion: 8
Strength: 9
Endurance: 7
Agility: 10
Accuracy: 5
Intelligence: 9
Luck: 6
WP: 4
Blade: 6
Blunt: 6
Pistol: 6
Sidearm: 4
Rifle: 4
Machinegun: 2
Explosive: 3
Inventory(44/180)Uninfected food(17),Disinfectant(1), Glock 21(2), Glock Mags(3), Chainsaw(5), SMG(3), sleeping pills(3), PP 2000 Mag(5), Chainsaw Battery(5)
Weapon: Sharpened Falcata(3)
TeamMax 8)
Jeoffrey(100/100)-Smith and Wesson 44-Extra Sharpened Knife-
Butler(120/120)-Beretta 45-Hardened Sledgehammer-
Jarrod(120/120)-Heckler & Koch P7-Hardened Claw Hammer-
Jim(100/100)-Astra 448-Sharpened Mac
"Okay, we'll remove of them first, then come back right?" You all get in the big truck you just saw, and Butler hotwires it. "This truck seems to be very good and durable, we can smash on our way!" Jarrod says. "Jarrod, Jim, you two come with me on the truck. Butler will find a cure, or weapon, and Jeoffrey will build and fortify. Lets go!" The three of you get in the truck, Jim driving, and the two of you shooting. You all come across a large horde of them, and fire. You take down 6, Jim smashes through the rest, and Jarrod takes down 4. After, you all come across Three of those giant zombies like the ones you saw before, and you shoot down one, while Jim smashes through them, and takes of two arms.They start coming this way, and Jim does a drift, and accelerates, and You take down another. The last one Jim runs over, and stops. "That was fun, smashing zombies. But they seem to be stronger. In numbers. Wait, whats that?" He points to the sky, at a flying swarm of things, not locusts, but flying zombies. "That is gonna f**k us real bad!" 6 you count, and you all start shooting. 4 go down, and the other two come this way. "They heard the gunfire." You shoot them down, but the other one manages onto you, about to bite, but Jim shoots it off. "Ahhh! My ear!" You say. "That gunfire was quite deafening. It will pass." "Lets go back before we get killed." Jim says. You get in the truck, and drive back, but come across those bugs again, this time, not flying, but like the ones from the gate before. Jim smashes over half of the pack, and you and Jarrod manage the rest. "Phew!" You quickly enter the gate, drive in and close it. "Fun, but dangerous." Jarrod says. You see a small tower on the mansions bomb shelter,its coming along nicely. You enter the shelter, and see Butler working on something. "These injections will make zombies repel. They have a bit of the pills, and a bit of the plant DNA, it will repel zombies for say, 10 minutes, I tested it, those zombies couldnt stand the stink." "Well done Butler! Your helping us to the finish line." Jarrod says. "You can go check on Jeoffrey, hes nearly finished. You all climb the new scaffolding, and see Jeoffrey making finishing touches. "Hey guys, I got the tower nearly done. You can look out from whichever way, and there are mounted guns, so you can shoot. They have scopes too. And I also fortified the grounds a bit too. Nights coming."
Outstanding efforts
+8 SP
+4 WP