Might seem gay of me to some, but I was forced into dancing to Baby for some school event to welcome the juniors, and I found it rather fun and catchy.
Might seem gay of me to some, but I was forced into dancing to Baby for some school event to welcome the juniors, and I found it rather fun and catchy.
dude that's something you don't confess about, you sir have balls of steel
I won't mind dancing to it again. I find his music mostly geared towards being catchy and fun, and on that basis I really can't hate it. Of course I infinitely prefer other musicians, even when it comes to pop, but I still treat Beiber pop more or less like I treat other modern pop; Enjoy it, but only to the point that it doesn't get annoying on replay.
I was just joking around and having some fun. MRWalker82
1. Gay is not censored. 2. Bundle of sticks is for a good reason. 3. Homosexuality should not be used as an insult. So, even if you are joking, you are still both breaking the rules by circumventing the censor, and being hateful. Oh, and it wasn't fun.
I am on the same level as Nicho on this. He's a pop-singer, he is popular with a certain demographic. I am not part of that demographic, so I will just, you know, not care about it. Instead, I am going to be rather against (some of) his fans, which I find incredibly annoying, but that is not his fault.
personally i find his voice excruciatingly painful to listen to, the lyrics are terrible and recycled love songs (no originality) and the music is a bit too cheesy for my liking.
Ahm, MRWalker82... I'm sure KhaoticSniper meant gRay there... LOL Either way, Bieber changes people apparently! And it's pretty safe to say... always for the better! =P
So, concluding my choice of sides after my previous statement... I choose neither side! I think Justin Bieber is good at what he does, simply because he makes a HUGE cargo freight of girls go ape over his singing... *high pitched screams enter mind* ...uuhhhh... *shivers* Now, I'm deaf... (O.o) And on the other hand, his performances can't seem to make me like the ...whatchamacallit... 'thing' he does, so it's fair to say my scale in points for the dude are a clear : 50! Right split in the middle there! =)
i hate bieber with a passion the obession with her and teenage girls was more annoying then with the jonas brothers were popular justin bieber doesnt even look good and sings terribly the only reason why girls love her is cause she is young and famous