Ok, this is simple. I will type a word and you type the first word that pops in your head. Simple. No spamming. Example: (my word) Bubble. (anonymous word) 7iudfsgfui bui.The Starting of a hopefully long chain of words... Hockey.P.S. This is an experiment.
Hey, shut up!Me!
COD!!!!"ure pain,skill...and awepic"
What the what in the what what world!?Oh well. Video game.
you stole one of wy lines
what the what?
I didn't say "What the what?"Electricity
Super Sonic!
Magenimite!the pokemon,haters gonna hate
Sense this makes none.
Numb limbs
HATORZ Gonna HATE! "true chis""andas hate on you""so is that dude and the one below.."boom
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