"Ahhh...hello. I am the great wizard, I have summoned you here today because there is a danger, a story foretold that a mighty dragon will someday strike earth and over rule humans. It is foretold that the chosen one is to defeat the dragon and bring earth back to peace. I have sensed that that time is near, and I have sensed you as the chosen one! Now, what is your name, dear boy? I have given you a dragon egg, this egg will help you on your destiny. I have given you a pouch full of gold to help in your quest." "Your WP, or wizard points, will develop you, whilst your DP, or dragon points, will develop your dragon. On occassions, your dragon will gain skills on its own. Now, every time you level, you will be given 10 WP, and 12 DP. Also, Every level you will be given a SP, or skill point. SP can be allocated into your Skill tree. For example, if your dragon egg had hatched into a fire dragon, your skill tree will be related to fire, and your first skill would be basic fireball."
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:1700 HP:120/120 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons. Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
ill get the magicians robe, the cape, the coif, and the best upgrades for the money and knife pouches
"Welcome to the book store, plenty here." -Stories- -Lore of the dragon-100G -Mystic magic-100G -Elements of magic-100G -Training- -Strength training-100G -Agility Training-100G -Talking to other simpletons-100G -Magic help-100G -Taming dragons-150G -Other- -Precious stones-150G -Enemy Intel-200G ----------- Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons. Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
"What colour magicians robe, cape and coif would you like?" Total cost comes down to 1400G.
You pay the 300G and enter the alchemist. "A visitor? Not one for years! How may I help you?" -Strength Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% strength boost for 3 turns. -Agility Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% agility boost for 4 turns. -Magic Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% magic boost for 3 turns. -Full Elves Potion-450G per bottle. This will give you a +80% boost to strength agility and magic. -Dragon Knit-350G per pouch. Power your dragon a 50% boost in strength, magic and agility. -Dragon Gas-450G and a dragon scale a bottle. 150% Boost in both Magic and strength and will boost any attacks from your weapons to have your dragons ability. -Dragon Enchantment-350G and a ______ amulet. Enchant any weapon to have ______ ability. Note:ruby amulet = fire ability, emerald amulet = forest ability, sapphire ammulet = water ability etc. So, You need to pay 350G, plus a gem, depending on the gem, youll get a different enchantment. Unnlock more at level 10.
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons. Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
ill go to the alchemist now. even though i doubt ill get something
I see if I can impale thei legs to the ground, then I slice them up at a distance with a halberd, if they get close I stab one and leave the halberd in and then switch to my shield and sword w
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
"Ahhh!A visitor! Check as you wish, plenty here to see." -Strength Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% strength boost for 3 turns. -Agility Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% agility boost for 4 turns. -Magic Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% magic boost for 3 turns. -Full Elves Potion-450G per bottle. This will give you a +80% boost to strength agility and magic. -Dragon Knit-350G per pouch. Power your dragon a 50% boost in strength, magic and agility. -Dragon Gas-450G and a dragon scale a bottle. 150% Boost in both Magic and strength and will boost any attacks from your weapons to have your dragons ability. -Dragon Enchantment-350G and a ______ amulet. Enchant any weapon to have ______ ability. Note:ruby amulet = fire ability, emerald amulet = forest ability, sapphire ammulet = water ability etc. So, You need to pay 350G, plus a gem, depending on the gem, youll get a different enchantment. Unnlock more at level 10. ---------- Name:Svin Hym Level:7 EXP:6900/8000 Dragon:Cicuta Gold:3964 HP:260/260 ---------- WP: Strength:20 Agility:15 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:10 ---------- DP: Strength:27 Agility:20 Wisdom:20 Magic:20 ---------- Size Level-4(A Human) Evolution:4855/10000 Spells:Ice Strike, Ice Ball, Ice Impale. ---------- Inventory: Ice ring, Enemy intel, Strength Training, lore of the dragons, Elements of magic, Steel Halberd. Weapon: Bronze Longsword, iron Shortsword. Defense:Brigandine Cuirass, Bronze Pauldron, Ice scutum, Steel Galea. Skills:Icy Shield, Ice Bash, Rapid freeze, Ice Impale, Ice Infestion. Equipped skill:Basic Ice Ball
Your back from a break? When you finish the game, you can free roam, I might prepare with a map. You manage to pin their legs to the ground, and take out the halberd and slice them. They rip them selfs off the ice and they start running toward you, you manage to finish them with the halberd, doing a combo move.(1500exp) "Ready for the final part?Haha!" Old man looks into his staff, and the collosal is back, this made of lava, back for revenge. It has ever more magic then before, and 25 tentacles.
"Ahhh!A visitor! Check as you wish, plenty here to see." -Strength Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% strength boost for 3 turns. -Agility Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% agility boost for 4 turns. -Magic Potion-150G per bottle. This will give you a +75% magic boost for 3 turns. -Full Elves Potion-450G per bottle. This will give you a +80% boost to strength agility and magic. -Dragon Knit-350G per pouch. Power your dragon a 50% boost in strength, magic and agility. -Dragon Gas-450G and a dragon scale a bottle. 150% Boost in both Magic and strength and will boost any attacks from your weapons to have your dragons ability. -Dragon Enchantment-350G and a ______ amulet. Enchant any weapon to have ______ ability. Note:ruby amulet = fire ability, emerald amulet = forest ability, sapphire ammulet = water ability etc. So, You need to pay 350G, plus a gem, depending on the gem, youll get a different enchantment. Unnlock more at level 10. ---------- Name:Svin Hym Level:7 EXP:6900/8000 Dragon:Cicuta Gold:3964 HP:260/260 ---------- WP: Strength:20 Agility:15 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:10 ---------- DP: Strength:27 Agility:20 Wisdom:20 Magic:20 ---------- Size Level-4(A Human) Evolution:4855/10000 Spells:Ice Strike, Ice Ball, Ice Impale. ---------- Inventory: Ice ring, Enemy intel, Strength Training, lore of the dragons, Elements of magic, Steel Halberd. Weapon: Bronze Longsword, iron Shortsword. Defense:Brigandine Cuirass, Bronze Pauldron, Ice scutum, Steel Galea. Skills:Icy Shield, Ice Bash, Rapid freeze, Ice Impale, Ice Infestion. Equipped skill:Basic Ice Ball
I try to raise the biggest spikes of ice when I use impale, and then I start dining around him using it on the ground, so if he tries to put a tentacle down, it'll be caught. Then once one is, I attempt to freeze it, then crush it l. Rinse and repeat
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
as expected. theres nothing i want and can afford right now.ill check the food store next
You start pining down the tentacles, but as you do so, the power of the colossal is too powerful, so it instantly melts it away and start lashing at you(-24HP). You attempt again, this time just pining one down, and this time you freeze it to the ground. It rips its tentacles out and melts the rest of ice, and lashes at you again(-16HP). You atttempt to use ice infestation on the colossal, and damage it enough. It tries to grab you, but you rapid freeze it to the ground, and impale a spike of ice through its eye. It melts almost instantly, and you finish it off with ice infestation.(2000exp)"You have completed the final test! The Grand Master Dragon test is available whenever you like to do it, and you can come back for some advanced training like necromancy, high advanced element training, and many more. Now, a gift, and I will give you a map when I can." +5000G
Level Up! Choose, Ice Trap(Trap your enemy in a circle of Ice, and Ice Spikes will impale for a few seconds) or Ice Wave(Send a Wave of super Ice, dealing intense damage and paralyzing for a very short time, cool two seconds) +10WP +12DP ----------- Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
"Welcome to the food store!" Carrot-1G Lettuce-1G Potato-1G Broccoli-1G Pumpkin-2G Corn-1G Tomato-1G
Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
"Necromancy? Yes, you do seem very dull in that area of magic. Some basic rules to it though, necromancy, which from now on Ill call Necro for short, is a very dangerous skill, as it is dark magic and if you stuff up a cast, then sometimes the creatures will turn against you. First off, to be able to harness necro power, you need to be able to know the 18 commandments of Al' Du Gan, the foreseeker and founder Necro magic. The 18 commandments will help any man or woman to harness necro magic. If read properly, necro will be unlocked from the human mind and body, and raising powerful monsters will help deal a great suffering to your enemies." ---------- Name: blue wings Level:3 EXP:600/1000 Dragon:fang Gold:300 HP:140/140 ---------- WP:0 Strength:3 Agility:9 Wisdom:12 Magic:15 Tame:6 ---------- DP:0 Strength:19 Agility:15 Wisdom:10 Magic:5 ---------- Inventoryark ring, Mystic magic, elements of magic, magic help, talking to the simpletons, enemy intel, precious stones, lore of the dragon and taming dragons, Blue Magicians Robe, Blue Coif, Blue Cape. Upgrades:Throwing Knifes(30/30, Money Pouch(Holds up to 200,000G) Weapon:Bronze Longsword Defense:Bronze Set Skills:Basic dark strike, Dark Energy Ball, Dark Drain. Equipped skill:
Food, if consumed, will heal yourself and if you cook some ingredients together, you can make some tasty, high healing foods. For example, if you decide to cook some carrots with meat to make a stew, then the healing will increase by certain amount of percentage.