Just like daily lives only you start at the age of 15 and once you graduate you can quit or start highschool all over again. Think of it as a daily lives demo only with tons more choises. You get 10 extra acedemic points since you're in highschool and you're smarter.
Name: Age:15 Gender: -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:not decided Part Time jobs: Money:$1000 Acedemic points:25 Math:1 Science:1 English:1(includes reading writing and spelling) Sec Language:1(secondary language like french, spanish) Arts:1(includes art and music etc) Sports:1 Science:1 Rank: Rep:15% Cool points:0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day30am Hunger:100/100 Happiness:100/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory: Equiped: Location:Home (front yard) Karma:0
God evening youngster. Tomorrow is you're first day of highschool! You can earn cool points by hanging doing cool stuff. Sometimes they randomely apear when you're doing an activity. If you don't know what to do refer to daily lives rpg, my first BEST rpg yet. You can spend cool points at the cool shop or use up 1 cool point to bost you're reputation. Since you're in highschool you can do lots of acitvities for academic points. I feel kinda lazy so I will show you how to do activities while you play. There will also be random special offers that pop up anytime.(from the random special offers guy that I really hate) and you can spend acedemic/cool points for these random(maybe rare) items. If this is too long for you don't worry it will also be explained as you play. And don't forget about jobs and promotions that will also be explained as we play.
You are preparing for tomorrow. Spend some acedemoc points first. (first person to play or age up always gets a reward)
Name: Jake Fire Age:15 Gender: Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:not decided Part Time jobs: Money:$1150 Acedemic points:0 Math:5 Science:5 English:3 Sec Language:5 Arts:5 Sports:2 Science:1 Rank: Rep:15% Cool points:0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day30pm Hunger:100/100 Happiness:100/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory:good luck charm Equiped: Location:Home (front yard) Karma:0
You get $150 from you're busy dad and a good luck charm that will increase you're chances in passing exams.
You have a choice if you want to go to normal school or boarding school. the boarding school fee is $100 but the first 2 to come get a FREE scolarship. You will find the benefits later. You can switch from boarding school to reg school but you can't do so more than 3 times. pick wisely
Flag Name: Jake Fire Age:15 Gender: Male -------------------------------------------------------------------- School:not decided Part Time jobs: Money:$1150 Acedemic points:0 Math:5 Science:5 English:3 Sec Language:5 Arts:5 Sports:2 Science:1 Rank: Rep:15% Cool points:0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of day30pm Hunger:100/100 Happiness:100/100 Health:100/00 Energy:100/100 Inventory:good luck charm Equiped: Location:Home (front yard) Karma:0
You go decide the non boarding (oh and barding, the cafeteria lunches are 50% off) are you sure?
Benefits of boarding: -less travel -Dorms are only 3-5 minutes away from school building -lunches are 50%off -make more friends -giant library -cafe near the dorms -Up to 3 roomies per dorm
benefits of non-boarding
-stay with old friends -Keep more stuff -mom makes you're dinner -possible chance of moving out -FREE