Some Disclaimers:
This OP is going to be long. Very long. And you need to read it. All of it. The original Project Eve died off, and the story that is critical to this one was never fully realized. So I have to explain that, as well as the story for this one. So if you don't read the OP, you will be utterly lost. Besides, theres a bunch of useful information buried throughout it that will be... useful.
Also, I'm rather busy with school and visitation with my divorced parents. That being said, if I don't get online at all for a few days, this is likely it. If its a planned absence, I'll be sure to notify you via this thread. If I dissapear suddenly, its probably because I died. So don't freak out and get your panties in a twist if I don't update this three seconds after you post. :P
Project: Eve can be found here. I suggest you read the story for it, to game some idea as to the plot of this one.
-----The Story-----
The Ancient Ones say the stars fell once.
It was Aidenn's darkest hour. The Triad, determined to eliminate all species who were not of 'ure human stock', had the last groups, tribes, and clans encircled. Even though they were faced with certain extinction, they refused to set aside their differences and unite.
It was then the stars fell.
The Five fell from the heavens, guided by Fate herself. They crashed to the surface, each one being discovered by a differnt tribe. It seemed that the tides had changed. The Triad's march was slowed, then halted, and then turned into a rout. But it seemed that fate still had a card to play: Slowly, The Five turned to Four, then Three, then Two and One. One was captured, another one lost. The rest... died.
But they had done enough. The Triad fell apart, its attempt at EVolutionary rEstablishment foiled. Those species deemed imperfect and eradicated slowly reemerged. Those last humans, denounced by The Triad as traitors to the species, strove to set the wrongs caused by The Triad right.
But The Triad was not defeated.
Slowly, ever so slowly, The Triad attracted those who weren't satifisfied with their lot. Those who resented the other species. Murderers, theives, the dredges of society. And ever so slowly The Triad grew. The remained hidden in the shadows, biding their time.
Fact turned into Rumor. Rumor turned into Tale. Tale turned into Myth. Myth turned into Legend. The stories of The Triad storming across the land, bedecked in their shiny armor and brandishing fearful technologies of war was only remembered by the people as a tale with which to scare young ones into bed.
But now the stars are falling again.
This time, no figure emerges from them. This time, there is no hero to save the land. This time, it was The Triad who found them first.
The Stars, covered in such mythical symbols as 'NASA' and 'US', and with even stranger pictures and iconography on them, are being horded by The Triad for their nefarious purposes.
No one can be sure what they are up to, but nothing good can come of it.
The world of Aidenn is one inhabited by many stranged creatures. Some good, some not so good. All of them intelligent. All of them dangerous.
Fee Lyons: Small, cat-like creatures. The largest of them get to be about four feet tall, though they typically only reach to be three and a half feet tall. Coloring on their fur really can be anything that a 'house cat' here on Earth would have. Large eyes enable them to see fairly well in the dark. Have a fascination with ranged weaponry, and are absolutely paranoid.
Lupinians: Large, wolf-like creatures. Ussuasly stand to be six or seven feet tall. They're covered in a thick, shaggy fur that can be white, brown, black, and everything in between. Quick of both feet and mind, their sense of humor revolves around eating anything smaller and weaker than they are. I mean, they do that anyways, but...
Boarans: Short, hefty creatures. They don't have much in the ways of fur, though they have some thin, wiry hair all over their body. They're pretty good natured, though they aren't the brightest. Like to smash stuff with large, blunt objects.
Grazz: Large, brutish, and stupid. Think 'Troll' from Lord of the Rings. Are good at smashing things, and are used by everybody as oversized pack animals. Have never heard of 'toothpaste' or 'deoderant', and its advised you don't get caught underneath their feet. (Note: The Grazz are not playable)
Human: Your basic human. Aren't especially great in anything, but aren't that bad either. They have the knack of being exceptionally smart at developing things to kill others with. Some humans are in The Triad, but most aren't and hold alliances with the other species.
Name: (Your name. This shouldn't be too hard)
Age: (How old your player is.)
Gender: Male/Female
Species: Pick from the Beastiary.
Description: (What you looks like)
Biography: (Short description of your life up to now)
Allegiance: I'll put this.
Allies: None
Enemies: None
***You have 30 Points to spend***
Health: Endurance multiplied by 10.
Condition: Healthy (Your condition contains things like injuries, diseases, infections, etc. Whereas your Health shows how much longer you have until you die, Condition details the nature of your injuries.)
Strength: (How strong your character is: Determines blunt-weapons skills, carry-weight, hand to hand skill, etc)
Intelligence: (How smart your character is: Determines hands-on skills, like first-aid, how quickly they can learn about other creatures and enemies, their ability to tell when someone is lying, etc)
Agility: (How fast your character is: Determines dodge chances, fall damage, speed, jumping, swimming, and climbing skills, etc)
Charisma: (How well your character plays with others: Determines interactions with others, number of followers, likelihood of coup, how well they lie, intimidate, or inspire, etc.)
Perception: (How well your character notices the surroundings: Determines when they see/hear enemies, spot a danger from afar, find hidden compartments, etc)
Endurance: (How healthy and fit your character is: determines quickness of recovery from injury, likelihood of disease/infection, how long they can continue doing strenuous activities, etc.)
Skills: Pick two. See list below.
Head: I'll put.
Torso: I'll put.
Left Arm: I'll put.
Right Arm: I'll put.
Left Leg: I'll put.
Right Leg: I'll put.
Hands: I'll put.
Feet: I'll put.
Primary Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Inventory[carried]: Empty
Note: After your point distribution, if your Strength is 5, and a perk gives you +1 Strength, put [+1] next to the tab.
[i]No Bite: Looks can be decieving, as we all know. +1 Strength
The Rennaisance Man: You've read a few books. So what? +1 Intelligence
Candle-Stick Jack: You had to jump over the candle stick, didn't you. +1 Agility
All Bark: Plays well with others. +1 Charm
I-Spy: Atleast you don't have to wear glasses... +1 Perception
Nike: I can run marathons as well. Win them, too. +1 Endurance
Nepenthe: Pain is weakness leaving the body. +10 Health Points
Lottery Ticket: The affects of this shall remain secret. It might be good, it might be bad. Thats a risk you'll have to take.