I'm not sure if one of these types of games have been played on Armor Games, but i diden't see one so I desided to start one!
This game is very fun and easy, creative people welcome!
The Story Game goes like this, I will start off with a sentence. The next person has to make another sentence that is relevant with the previous.
Example person 1- "There once was a man." Example person 2- "Who loved grape soda." Example person 3- "But he had a HUGE problem." Example person 4- "He was morbidly obese."
Get it? cool.
Respect All Armor Games Rules Here is the link for them.
Be as Creative as you want! But don't get too vulgar or mean.
Once there was a NICE NON PERVERTED FORMAL MAN named Mark. He was a cop. One day he arrested 3 juveniles. Arjay for killing someone, Gecko for driving a stranger's car without a liscence, Terence for joinning a gang in Chicago
One day a man name Douglas Healy(a formerjuvenile delinquint) gave them a ticket out of juvie IF they follow his orders. He takes them to New Your City where they can make a difference in their lives.
Things are going well until one night Healy is accidentaly knocked unconscious trying to break a scuffle among the boys. Terrified of the concenquences, they drop him up at a hospital and run away. But when Healy awakes he has no memory of them or the halfway house. Afraid of being sent back to juvie, the guys hatch a crazy scheme to continue on as if their group leader is still there. They will go to school, do their community service, attend therapy,and act like model citizens until Healy's memory returns and he can resume his place with them