If you were a Dwarf from the Iron Hills, what would you look 1ike (Armor, Hair, Beard, Sword, Shield, etc), do (Work in the mines, go on a battle, work in the fields, etc), and other things (Mount/Pet, Clan name, etc)? The clans are: Dwarfhold (Tough), Dale (Wise), and Girion (Cunning) The enemy are the Woodelves. On your first turn, you create a character sheet that would look something along the lines of:
Name: (Use your username or create something Age: (Dwarves live up to 250, so any number from 50-240 would be good for a dwarf with a job) Hair/Beard Color: (Put a color here) Armor: (A mineral such as Steel, Iron, Dragonscales, Bronze, etc.) Sword: (A mineral such as Gold, Silver, etc., and if you'd like to give a description of the hilt you can) Shield: (A mineral such as Steel, Iron, Silver, Gold, etc)
Clan and Mount will be chosen on your 2nd or 2rd turn. Once on a turn other than first, you can say something like: While in the fields, I thought I saw some Elvish Scouts. I attempt to kill them. Or: While on Guard Duty, I snuck off to try and find a pet. I'll deside if your actions work or fail. If I deside it worked, I'd say something like: You see a bear, cat, and a mysterious egg. At that point, you might as well pick. But if I felt mean, remember, I could say something like: When you took the egg, you tripped on a rock. But most likely I wont. Eventually you might get a rank in a clan depending on how much you like the game. But just remember, Supreme Iron Hills Overlord is already taken. By me. :3
I might say something like 'Battle against the elves' and then you guys can decide to do whatever in the battle, as long as it isnt something like use magic to turn every elf to dust.