I'm currently having trouble with the depth of objects that I duplicate.
In this case I have a plane(s) that fly over and drop a bomb when I press SPACE. The more I press space, the more planes I get.
I didn't have any trouble with the depths of the planes, as I could easily get many on the screen. But when they are called to drop the bomb, the bombs appear, and when the next plane drops a bomb... the previous bomb is overwritten, or erased, and can be seen falling at the origin of the page(top left).
This is the script for the planes:
var i = 0; var timer = 5; this.onEnterFrame = function() { timer++; if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { object._x += 5; } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { object._x -= 5; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { if (timer>=5) { i++; _root.attachMovie("full_plane","full_plane"+i,_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root["full_plane"+i]._x = -15; _root["full_plane"+i]._y = Math.random()*250; timer = 0; } } };
This is script for the bombs:
var k = 0; dropped = false; this.onEnterFrame = function() { this._x += 10; if (this._x>=_root.object._x) { if (!dropped) { k++; _root.attachMovie("bomb","bomb"+k,_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root["bomb"+k]._x = this._x; _root["bomb"+k]._y = this._y+3; dropped = true; } } };
Instead of using getNextHighestDepth, try using a number (1000) then add i on to it. Give all the dupelicated MCs their own number, such as planes would be at 1000, bombs would be at 2000, etc.