ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
585 posts

For Buddhists, they keep getting reincarnated.

Okay but when you are reincarnated would you still have memorize of the other lives you had? How would you get this Karma from?

Here is another video I really don't think it will help me prove anything though but watch it please, it might. Click here
3,826 posts

Even though hell was initially created to hold Satan and the angels that fell with him, there will also be men and women in hell.

If that's the case then it leaves the Christian 'holding the bag' when it comes to the souls of those who died before Jesus' crucifixion. According to the Old Testament, souls just went to Hades - the place where people go when they die. It wasn't really good or bad, just a holding cell. After his death, Jesus went into hell and brought up a bunch of souls with him into heaven. Until that point, no mortal soul went to heaven.
I'm not sure where the idea of Hell holding Satan came into play. Even the idea of a being that is Satan doesn't seem to appear in the Bible - at least not in the sense that Satan is currently understood.
585 posts

Yes I would like to here it to I a open and like to explore new ideas and religions.

585 posts

I'm not sure where the idea of Hell holding Satan came into play. Even the idea of a being that is Satan doesn't seem to appear in the Bible

Well I am pretty sure it says in the Bible that Satan(Devil) was an angel once but became corrupted to Evil so then God made Hell and threw Satan in there will the other angel followers.
5,552 posts

Here is another video I really don't think it will help me prove anything though but watch it please, it might. Click here

Really all she does is keep asserting without anything to back it up that God is real, that what you see God made, and that everyone already knows God exists, but may not admit it. That's not proof, it's just going, "UNICORNZ ARE REALZ! UNICORNZ ARE REALZ!"

Okay but when you are reincarnated would you still have memorize of the other lives you had? How would you get this Karma from?

Since you don't seem to be familiar with Karma, I'll explain.

Your actions gain you either good or bad Karma. When you die, you are reincarnated according to how much good Karma you have. The more good, the better your status will be in the next life. You retain no memories of past lives. If you have bad Karma, you will be reincarnated as something bad, like a stink bug, or a fly, until such time you regain enough Karma to be human again.

Hindu/Buddhist Karma may not be the exact same, but I can't think of any differences off the top of my head.
585 posts

Your actions gain you either good or bad Karma. When you die, you are reincarnated according to how much good Karma you have. The more good, the better your status will be in the next life. You retain no memories of past lives. If you have bad Karma, you will be reincarnated as something bad, like a stink bug, or a fly, until such time you regain enough Karma to be human again.

Oh, I like that theory of the buddists very creative but probably not true.

Also I asked to you keep your memeories of t=your past lifes when you are reincarnated?
585 posts

Just alittle more about Hell but probably won't prove anything:

Is Hell Real? - Is It Punishment For The Wicked?
The question, "Is hell real?" is answered "no" by a lot of people. These people would like to believe that when we die, we don't go to a heaven or a hell, we simply cease to exist. However, wouldn't a God who sends us into nonexistence at death be just as "cruel" as one who allows us to freely choose our own destiny, which could be hell? Even atheist Friedrich Nietzsche said that he would rather choose eternally conscious suffering than nonexistence.

God's perfect justice also demands that there be a hell to punish the unrepentant and wicked among us. As Walter Martin said about the existence of hell and eternal punishment in his book, The Kingdom of the Cults, "They make much to-do about God being Love but forget that because He is Love, He is also Justice and must require infinite vengeance upon anyone who treads underfoot the precious blood of Christ, who is the Lamb slain for lost sinners from the foundation of the world."

What kind of a loving God would He be if the wicked were never punished? Why would He have sent His Son to die for our sins, if we could reject that redemption and not eventually pay the price? What incentive would we have to do good and love God if we knew we could reject His Son and choose to do evil all of our lives and never be punished? We would not want this lack of justice in the streets of our cities and towns, so why do we expect God to mete it out in the overall universe?


8,256 posts

I notified Mage, now let's wait..

Oh, did someone have anything to say about my comment on page 18? I feel like it has been lost in the heat of the discussion, and I wondered if anyone thinks the same/differently.

Another unrelated question/remark.. I've been thinking about Tolkiens fantasy world, and I've been wondering: on one hand there are clear references to christianity, which I suspect to be his inspiration for the more mythical part (see the book The Silmarillion), but on the other hand, I don't remember any concept in that world he created that came near to the concept of hell, and I've read the book twice already. I simply found that interesting..

3,826 posts

Well I am pretty sure it says in the Bible that Satan(Devil) was an angel once but became corrupted to Evil so then God made Hell and threw Satan in there will the other angel followers.

It never actually says this. This is the typical Christian interpretation, but it is based on inference. After John Milton's "Paradise Lost" the story got a lot more flavour to it, and those passages that were merely inferential gained more force in the public eye.

Your actions gain you either good or bad Karma.

In Buddhism, karma is distinctly a cause. It is the impetus that determines your continued existence on the wheel of samsara - the cycle of suffering (in a nutshell).
The main difference between Buddhism and Hinduism as regards karma, is that in Hinduism the gods grant karma. That would seem to me that Hindi see karma as an effect, rather than a cause.
It gets confusing because most of us are just not that familiar with eastern philosophy. But it wouldn't make sense in the Buddhist structure to have karma as an effect because there is no permanence - there are only moments. The only permanence (and thus, the only real 'effect' is the continued cycle of existence and suffering.
585 posts

Oh, did someone have anything to say about my comment on page 18?

Could you repost it to so then I can see it.
585 posts

answer this please too: Also I asked to you keep your memeories of your past lifes when you are reincarnated?

3,826 posts

Also I asked to you keep your memeories of your past lifes when you are reincarnated?

Short answer: no

Long answer: The question is based around preconceived notions about permanence and existence that prevalent in Western thought. The question you are asking doesn't have the same sense in Eastern thought as it does with us.
9,462 posts

I think Mage could tell you a nice story about that and hell starting out as a dumpsite that with time turned into the current concept we have of it..^^

I remember that, here is a video on it.
Skeptic Bible Study: History and Location of Hell
9,462 posts

Here is another video I really don't think it will help me prove anything though but watch it please, it might. Click here

That could just hurt your argument since she starts off with the fallacy of "everyone knows he's real".

Another unrelated question/remark.. I've been thinking about Tolkiens fantasy world, and I've been wondering: on one hand there are clear references to christianity, which I suspect to be his inspiration for the more mythical part (see the book The Silmarillion), but on the other hand, I don't remember any concept in that world he created that came near to the concept of hell, and I've read the book twice already. I simply found that interesting..

Mordor and Mount Doom had inspirations from the concept of Hell.
8,256 posts

Could you repost it to so then I can see it.

Here you go:
My problem with that whole reincarnation into 'higher' or 'lower' life forms is that it includes a subjective notion of good and bad that doesn't exist in the animal kingdom. Does that mean that karma is thinking like humans? Or that the whole idea is a human thought construct? The latter seems much more reasonable.

Mordor and Mount Doom had inspirations from the concept of Hell.

D'oh, how could I not see that..
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