ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

@HahiHa, They place quite a lot of importance on that. Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son.

8,256 posts

Mhm. I don't know why, I just always thought they saw God and Maria as more important, or just pray to them more, something like that..

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

If I remember correctly, the Christian churches that believe that Jesus is not God are called Unitarians.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

They are. Because they didn't believe in Trinitarianism which defines God as three persons coexisting consubstantially as one in being, they consider Jesus as a prophet of God, maybe a supernatural being, but most certainly not God.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

@ HahiHa
The importance of the virginin Mary is probably a &quotagan" residue, she is some sort of Mother Godess (think of Gaia).
At Catholic Sunday school the nuns used to tell us that Maria is in a sense, mother to all.

1,826 posts

They are. Because they didn't believe in Trinitarianism which defines God as three persons coexisting consubstantially as one in being, they consider Jesus as a prophet of God

same thing is beleived by muslims
585 posts

The importance of the virginin Mary is probably a &quotagan" residue, she is some sort of Mother Godess (think of Gaia).
At Catholic Sunday school the nuns used to tell us that Maria is in a sense, mother to all.

If you are saying here that Catholics think the Virgin Mary is a Godess you are wrong I think. The Virgin Mary is so talked about in Catholic religion because she never sinned since she didn't have sex to have a baby Jesus she is pure. And we marvel at how God chose her to have Jesus because she was so humble and represented Jesus well.
585 posts


(I can't remember off the top of my head which one's)

Catholics do not beleive that Jesus is God we beleive that God and Jesus are two different things. But do belive that Jesus is a part of God. But not totally God since he is a human and God isn't.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

If you are saying here that Catholics think the Virgin Mary is a Godess you are wrong I think.

The Catholic Church clearly does not consider virgin Mary a Goddess.
As a matter of fact according to the vast majority of Christian churches she is not a goddess, nonetheless many Christian persons (including Catholics) pray to Mary mother of Jesus as if she was a Goddess. And, praying to a goddess, especially a mother, is nothing new to mankind. People have been praying to some sort of powerful Mother since the dawn of time.
That's why I said "The importance of the virgin Mary is probably a &quotagan" residue".
Pagan=non-Christian/before the Christian Church.
The Virgin Mary is so talked about in Catholic religion because she never sinned since she didn't have sex to have a baby Jesus she is pure

Actually, Mary is considered sinless because she was born without the "original sin". Not because she didn't have sex.
3,826 posts

Catholics do not beleive that Jesus is God we beleive that God and Jesus are two different things. But do belive that Jesus is a part of God. But not totally God since he is a human and God isn't.

But in a very significant sense, Catholics do believe Jesus is God. The Holy Trinity is one of the Catholic mysteries of faith. After all, they recognize God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all aspects of the same God. This is why I made the point earlier that the Jewish god is a different god - namely because their god does not have these distinct properties.

I do know, however, that Jehovah's Witnesses do not recognize trinitarianism. The LDS Church is also unique in that it recognizes what it calls a Godhead with 3 distinct deities.
8,256 posts

@nicho and goumas, thanks for your replies.

Catholics do not see Mary as goddess, they do however venere her as a saint. And she holds a special place even among all the other saints; she's some kind of saint of saints.
The pagan thing definitely makes sense, many pagan religions have no god, but a mother goddess. I've even read something about a sort of goddess trinity in certain celtic cults, evolved from the original one goddess, but I'm not sure that page was 100% without bias. If that was true however, that could mean that even the trinity thing isn't originally christian. Interesting...^^
And Jesus, well whether you see him as god or as part of god, he certainly is seen as a divine entity by both protestants and catholics. Yet since there can't be another god in christianity, Jesus can't be a separate divine entity.

19 posts

i do believe in god but the idea of going to hell and heaven is kind of confusing, because if you do bad thing in your life time then you are going to hell but you are at one point going.To do something wrong so if we all believe in heaven and hell would we all go to hell.Cuz i mean you can be good your entire life now can you?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I've even read something about a sort of goddess trinity in certain celtic cults

The Irish (and the Welsh) had a lot of triple goddesses. Triads were very important in the ancient Irish tradition. The Morrigan (probably related to the Arthurian sorceress Morgana) was often portrayed as a triple goddess.
I don't think though that these particular Celtic trinities influenced early Christianity, Ireland was isolated and scarcely populated. Their traditions could hardly effect mainland Europe. Plus, the Romans were somewhat snob, they wouldn't have adopted "barbaric" customs easily.
However, there was a -celebrated- Greek goddess of triple nature, Hecate. Frankly, its pretty probable that she influenced Christianity somehow.
3,371 posts

This is why I made the point earlier that the Jewish god is a different god - namely because their god does not have these distinct properties.

Well, no not really. Our god is the same, but we (catholics) believe that god decided to have a son. So, Jesus came. Then later on came the holy spirt (I think). I'm pretty sure they came in that order, so it's not that we have different gods. We still have the same basic god, but catholics believed that the basic god sort of, built on with more.
5,340 posts

i do believe in god but the idea of going to hell and heaven is kind of confusing, because if you do bad thing in your life time then you are going to hell but you are at one point going.To do something wrong so if we all believe in heaven and hell would we all go to hell.Cuz i mean you can be good your entire life now can you?

it all depends on the religion. from what i learned in christianity you can pretty much do whatever you want but if you believe in jesus you will go to heaven.

in judaism for example its very difficult to say since it almost sais nothing about hell and heaven (some believe there is only heaven and no hell). most believe that its really simple. hurt people, dont regret it and your going to hell. be a good person, help people or at least dont be bad (neutral i guess) and you go to heaven. it has nothing to do with your race or your religion.

Well, no not really. Our god is the same, but we (catholics) believe that god decided to have a son. So, Jesus came. Then later on came the holy spirt (I think). I'm pretty sure they came in that order, so it's not that we have different gods. We still have the same basic god, but catholics believed that the basic god sort of, built on with more.

its the same god who is different. hmmm... not really good...

id say we believe in the same &quoterson" but we believe that the &quoterson" himself is different, did different things and has a different nature.
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