ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
9,462 posts

1) CG has a son (Jesus). (given)
2) NCG does not have a son. (given)
3) If 2 objects have different properties, then they are not identical. (from Leibniz's law of identity)
4) NCG and CG have different properties (from 1 and 2)
C) Therefore, NCG and CG are not identical. (from 3 and 4)

There is another way they can both be the same yet have different properties. That is if we are speaking of a fictional character.
Let's take for example Superman. In his earlier portrayals he was unable to fly, just jump real far. While the later portrayals showed him flying around.
Now a fan could deny the canonicity of the works with a flying Superman and only accept the works where he was only jumping around and still be speaking of the same character portrayed in the later works where he flies. Further more as different writers come in we can begin to see internal continuity error form and different camps of fans who accept certain continuities but not others. Yet they can all still be speaking of the same character.

The only problem that arises is if the fans tried to say this character (with different properties in his early stories and continuity errors through out)was real.
3,826 posts

The only problem that arises is if the fans tried to say this character (with different properties in his early stories and continuity errors through out)was real.

That's a really nice analogy, Mage. I was trying to think of a fictional character with properties like that, and your example is just perfect.
But this analogy breaks down in the same place that the Mr. X example does. It's not an intrinsic property of Superman that he can (or cannot) fly. It makes perfect sense to say that originally Superman could only leap over tall buildings, but later on gained new powers (such as flight, heat vision, really cold breath, etc.).
We can't say this about God, however. For starters, the properties God has are intrinsically linked to God's existence. But there's another problem - God exists outside the confines of our conception of time. It's not that somewhere around the year 1 BCE that God gained this new property of having a son and Jews just fail to recognize that. God must have always had this property, it's just that we didn't recognize it until it manifested in our perception of time.
One could try to push the point and say that Superman could always fly, he just chose not to. But this ignores the criticism that flight (or really, any property of Superman) is not intrinsic to him.
I fully realize that, from a commonsense point of view, the Jewish god and the Christian god are identical. But when you look at the theoretical commitments of each faith, there is no way they can be.
585 posts

hey, the sign when you enter WV says something about it being as good as heaven, WV sucks! so, hell sounds better

What do you mean when you say "WV"? and hell sounds better? Getting sent to the darkest, hottest, scariest place sounds better I don't think so.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

What do you mean when you say "WV"?

WV=West Virginia, its one of the 50 states of the USA.

He's just saying that West Virginia is a horrible place ... It was a figure of speech.
2,515 posts

The answer to all your Questions is No there is no Heaven, No hell, no god, no satan. the proff is simple. if he was real every one would would believ the same thing. and The greet god. to us its mythology... but then it was a religion. you think that if they were real they would br forgoton.

3,592 posts

The answer to all your Questions is No there is no Heaven, No hell, no god, no satan. the proff is simple. if he was real every one would would believ the same thing. and The greet god. to us its mythology... but then it was a religion. you think that if they were real they would br forgoton.

please use good grammar if you can and try to back that up my friend and enlighten us with your views if you can and try to keep things un-offensive to other and I also don;t believe in neither for their simply isn't enough roof.
132 posts

please use good grammar if you can and try to back that up my friend and enlighten us with your views if you can and try to keep things un-offensive to other and I also don;t believe in neither for their simply isn't enough roof.

All I can do is lol at this post.

But you are right, the guy really made a statement with no valid proof (that is how you spell proof) or logical argument to ack it up. Also, if God is real, that does not mean everyone would believe in him. Some people in the remote jungles of African have not even heard of God. You need to rethink your post.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Makes me people like these go to hell or heaven? Seems an unfair deal.

3,592 posts

sorry I usually mess up the ' with ; and some of my keyboards button's are sticky at the moment so I need to get that fixed and their should e no reason for them to go to either unless they believe in some type of god and if they don't, what do they believe in first we have to make contact with them though.

132 posts

Makes me people like these go to hell or heaven? Seems an unfair deal.

Things like this have been in centers of many of Christian debates I have been in. The answer to this question is not exactly known. However, different religions, denominations and sects believe differnt things. In the Protestant view on things, yes, they directly to Hell. (John 3:7) Very unfair. That is why evagalizing the world is an important to Protestants. As for the Catholics, they believe that as long as the person leads a good life, he/she goes to heaven, even though that is a concept directly against their own Bible.
3,592 posts

Things like this have been in centers of many of Christian debates I have been in. The answer to this question is not exactly known. However, different religions, denominations and sects believe differnt things. In the Protestant view on things, yes, they directly to Hell. (John 3:7) Very unfair. That is why evagalizing the world is an important to Protestants. As for the Catholics, they believe that as long as the person leads a good life, he/she goes to heaven, even though that is a concept directly against their own Bible.

Goes to tell you how many flaws the Bible has when it tries to protect itself from atheistic views and I'd find it really unfair for them to go to hell for a reason like that and i'd say the christian's view is better since it actually puts some sense in their.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

their should e no reason for them to go to either unless they believe in some type of god and if they don't, what do they believe in first we have to make contact with them though.

Of course it matters; since our discussions have mainly revolved around the Christian concept of Heaven and Hell. If uncontacted people don't even know about Jesus, can Christians really blame them for not worshipping Him, and subsequently be banished to Hell as Phytic pointed out?

Goes to tell you how many flaws the Bible has when it tries to protect itself from atheistic views and I'd find it really unfair for them to go to hell for a reason like that and i'd say the christian's view is better since it actually puts some sense in their.

You're just contradicting yourself in one breath.
132 posts

Goes to tell you how many flaws the Bible has...

Hey now, hold on. My post did not give any evidence of flaws in the Bible. All I said is what the Bible says about the subject. Where do you draw that I pointed out a flaw in the Bible?

say the christian's view is better since it actually puts some sense in their.

Which one?

and I'd find it really unfair for them to go to hell for a reason like that.

You are not God; you do not make the rules. :P
306 posts

I am a Christian. I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. Hell is a place that all people that hev never known Jesus Christ as their Savior go. Unlike the Catholics, I believe that Mary, the mother of God, is not the way to Heaven. You do not go to Heaven by good works. You must simply ..."Call upon Me, and I shall hear thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not..."(Jesus Speaking here).Andyes, I believe the King James Bible is the one and only thrue Bible. Jesus is the only way to God, to Heaven. The KJV Bible is perfect and pure, and without flaw. It is the only perfect book on the face of the universe. Romans 10:13 says "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved." This means that if you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, and ask him to forgive you of your many sins, he will forgive you of each and every one of them and give you eternal life in Heaven. If you would like to challenge my beliefs or the Word of God, or, you just want to know more about the Bible, visit the comment box on my profile (Jake297).

5,340 posts

You are not God; you do not make the rules. :P

and if there is no proof and more importantly: no explanation for such unfair rules how can someone follow someone who does things he disagrees on?

I am a Christian. I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. Hell is a place that all people that hev never known Jesus Christ as their Savior go. Unlike the Catholics, I believe that Mary, the mother of God, is not the way to Heaven. You do not go to Heaven by good works. You must simply ..."Call upon Me, and I shall hear thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not..."(Jesus Speaking here).Andyes, I believe the King James Bible is the one and only thrue Bible. Jesus is the only way to God, to Heaven. The KJV Bible is perfect and pure, and without flaw. It is the only perfect book on the face of the universe. Romans 10:13 says "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved." This means that if you call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, and ask him to forgive you of your many sins, he will forgive you of each and every one of them and give you eternal life in Heaven. If you would like to challenge my beliefs or the Word of God, or, you just want to know more about the Bible, visit the comment box on my profile (Jake297).

jews are not christian yet you claim they are chosen by god. how does that work? there are many flaws in the bible and that comes from someone who doesnt even know plenty about it. i do see the flaws by just seeing those quotes so many people put and use logic and one of the biggest flaws is horibble translating. also, if you want to talk about something you should stay in a forum and not make it a private comvo in your profile since we all want to talk.
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