ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
5,340 posts

Who said: life, death, heaven, or hell, was fair?
Where in the bible does it say "Everyone gets into heaven."
No it says, "All are welcome at the table of life" Which means that you can come to the table of God and receive everlasting life, if you have the means to (aka: hear about him, or seek him out yourself)

so you just said your god is unfair. in other words it has nothing to do with justice either. why are you following him then? you follow someone who isnt fair. does that mean that even though you disagree with him you follow him out of fear? or maybe you do agree with something that isnt fair? i thought people say christianity is all about love and justice yet you say its unfair which pretty much shows theres neither of those.

what would you think about people who follow a leader/king/whatever because he has the power to hurt them. what would you say about those people who can just look away from the pain that leader causes? indifference sometimes is worse then cruelty.
534 posts

"It's not fair! It's not fair!" Nothing is fair in life. Nothing, nadda, zilch. Really, Just how many times have I heard the word it's not fair?

Oh and it's unfortunate that people believe everything on wikepedia. When Hitler claimed(if he did at all) he was christian Just look back at what he did. Does that look like a christian to you? Look at Obama, one time he claimed he was christian, but that doesn't mean he is. It's just a claim, a claim to bait people into the persons grasp.

2,487 posts

Oh and it's unfortunate that people believe everything on wikepedia. When Hitler claimed(if he did at all) he was christian Just look back at what he did. Does that look like a christian to you? Look at Obama, one time he claimed he was christian, but that doesn't mean he is. It's just a claim, a claim to bait people into the persons grasp.

ignorant comment by an ignorant man. hitler was a christian believe it or not. he also believe in not drinking or smoking.

wikipedia is a good site, despite the constant flak it gets from ignorant people. it is good because it gives off sources to prove the info is credible. if the information doesn't have a source, then chances are it isn't credible.

obama is not a muslim, for the last time. the right wing only said that he is one because of the fact that his father was, and they jumped the gun. the right wing nut-jobs like limbaugh and hannity are too prideful to admit they were wrong, unless that they have undeniable proof that their claims are false. for you to assume that he is a muslim, even though you never see him practice their holidays like ramadan, or even forcing michelle to wear a shawl or veil clearly shows how ignorant that claim is.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Does that look like a christian to you? Look at Obama, one time he claimed he was christian, but that doesn't mean he is.

Obama is Christian. I always chuckle when I recall Republicans attack age=1#.T0UL7PHxrp4">Obama's Pastor during his campaign for insulting America, yet do an about turn and claim he isn't Christian later on. Oh yes he has a pastor.

You seem to have a very skewed idea of what Christians are, and to perfidiously claim that Obama is not a Christian. Puerile. Contemptible. That's what you are when you say such claptrap. He is Christian through and through. To falsely claim he isn't because he doesn't somehow fit into your strict and parochial list of Christian qualifying values is frankly, a stupid move.

I'm going to break it to you, but much of the wars caused in history were started by Christians. Whilst I'm not claiming that their religion caused all the wars, it at least shows that Christians are not peaceful as you so insinuate. Hitler didn't give two hoots about his religion, but that doesn't mean anything.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

caused in history

Caused in Western* history.
2,487 posts

Obama is Christian. I always chuckle when I recall Republicans attack Obama's Pastor during his campaign for insulting America, yet do an about turn and claim he isn't Christian later on. Oh yes he has a pastor.

that's just the republicans practicing doublethink on their ignorant, and selfish thralls.

585 posts

Hitler, who was a Christian

From what I know I thought Hitler was Jewish not Christain. His mother was Jewish too.
585 posts

The Bible doesn't matter to Christians, it is what their leader tells them. So it would really go down to what the Popes think.

Yes the Bible matters to Christains! I don't know where you get these facts from? But you are allowed to have your own perspective on what the Bible means to you and what you think of it. You don't just go with what the Pope says. Every priest you talk to might have a diiferent perspective on the Bible and various Christain beleifs. So saying that the Bible doesn't matter to Christains is offensive to Christains.
585 posts

so you just said your god is unfair.

I don't see how the Christains God is unfair. People can choose to beleive in him and /or Jesus and the Christain religion if they want to. God does not force people to be in another religion so then they don't get to go to heaven or hell. So I don't think my God is unfair when he does nothing to be unfair. It is up to us to decide what religion to belive in or not to beleive in a religion.
8,256 posts

People can choose to beleive in him and /or Jesus and the Christain religion if they want to.

Someone cannot truly choose to believe in something or not, you don't simply choose your convictions like clothes or whatnot. When will you christian people ever get it? It just doesn't work that way.

God does not force people to be in another religion so then they don't get to go to heaven or hell.

Wait, you mean if one doesn't believe in god, one doesn't go either to hell or heaven, even if your religion is right?

So I don't think my God is unfair when he does nothing to be unfair. It is up to us to decide what religion to belive in or not to beleive in a religion.

He seems unfair because if he existed, he wouldn't have given everyone same opportunities/chances. Yet when it comes down to the afterlife suddenly he doesn't make any difference anymore, he just doesn't account for the differences in life and so some poor f***ers end up in hell even though they never heard of him.
2,413 posts

I'd like to point out something about the whole "eternal life" thing that some Christians (probably all of them) believe. I don't like it. Sure, the first hundred years would be amazing, but it's ETERNAL. You'd think you wouldn't get tired of it, but you would. Starts off on thousands, goes to hundreds of thousands, then millons, then billions, then trillions, etc. so on and so forth. I would like it for the first 100 to 200 years, but I would hate it and would rather just die instead of living forever.

534 posts

I'd like to point out something about the whole "eternal life" thing that some Christians (probably all of them) believe. I don't like it. Sure, the first hundred years would be amazing, but it's ETERNAL. You'd think you wouldn't get tired of it, but you would. Starts off on thousands, goes to hundreds of thousands, then millons, then billions, then trillions, etc. so on and so forth. I would like it for the first 100 to 200 years, but I would hate it and would rather just die instead of living forever.

You make a good point but in heaven you don't really get bored. No way to explain how you can never get board because i've never been there. But the place is suppposed to give eternal happiness.
585 posts

Wait, you mean if one doesn't believe in god, one doesn't go either to hell or heaven, even if your religion is right?

Sorry misworded it meant to leave out the heaven and hell part.
585 posts

He seems unfair because if he existed, he wouldn't have given everyone same opportunities/chances. Yet when it comes down to the afterlife suddenly he doesn't make any difference anymore, he just doesn't account for the differences in life and so some poor f***ers end up in hell even though they never heard of him.

First of all we don't need to swear. If you are going to swear I am not going to keep discussing this with you. To be honest I am not going to make up some crazy thing of where the people that don't beleive in the Christain religion go. I guess it is up to God to decide what happens to them.
9,462 posts

You make a good point but in heaven you don't really get bored. No way to explain how you can never get board because i've never been there. But the place is suppposed to give eternal happiness.

It seems pretty clear to you're just going by what you have been told without giving it any real thought or further examination. You would have to be going on hear say given we have no one who has been there. As such there is no real way you can truly say this as fact, given we don't have anything to back this statement up. Before you try and through the Bible up as your source I must again remind you that this is a book of claims not evidence.
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