ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
534 posts

Sorry messed up alittle the Bible wasn't found. It is a collection of books, letters and peotry sometimes, that are part of the Catholic faith the Bible just doesn't get found.

Do you know what they were called before they were put together?
9,462 posts

There are a lot of things that people don't understand. But they are done with a reason. In the bible people had to sacrifice lambs in order for God to forgive them. Jesus is the lamb of God. Jesus was the perfect man because he had no sin. Jesus "wanted" to take our place of punishment, that we so deserve, and cleansed us of our sins.

That doesn't justify jack. All you've done is say that because it was God it must have been good and necessary. Take your God out of this situation and apply it anywhere else and see if this argument hold up for you.

I would wager you would find it a sick a cruel act with the one demanding it being called evil. In fact how much stigma have Pagans and Satanist gotten for supposed claims of animal and even human sacrifice?

Yes I agree with you. But then how do you know that the Gospels aren't first hand accounts? Just because they are so old and have been translated and copied alot?

The first of the Gospels don't appear until at least 40 years after the supposed events. There is no mention of said event prior to this beyond Paul, who has a different view on things. But even that is a good 30 years after the fact. We can further rule out the Gospels being written by any of the disciples given their background and the language the gospels are written in. On top of all that we can find narrative similarities to previously written stories that such authors would have had access to.

First of all the Romans didn't crucifie Jesus to be forgiven. Nobody really knew about the Christain faith Jesus was teaching except his followers. They didn't sacrifice him for God's forgiveness. It is only till after Jesus was resurredted from his tomb they knew that Jesus will forgive their sins.

If I'm not to mistaken the story has him intentionally getting himself caught for that to happen because of the wishes of said God.
585 posts

No he didn't intentionally get captured. Though he knew he was going to be captured. It is because one of the disciples (who I forget the name of) betrayed Jesus by turning him in to the Roman authorities who were looking for Jesus.

585 posts

I beleive that there are many different ways to how Jesus was caught but the one I said is the most trustworhty.

585 posts

Judas Iscariot that is the diciples name that betrayed Jesus. I beleive he killed himself after Jesus was killed too.

585 posts

But even that is a good 30 years after the fact.

True, but the disciples that wrote the Gospels were fairly young when Jesus died so they could have livved on another 30 year.
8,256 posts

You do know that in the Judas evangelium, it is said that Judas actually did what jesus told him cuz he was the only one jesus trusted in? But that is an apogrypha (or whatever it's called) and hasn't been accepted as part of the 'official' bible if I'm not mistaken... selective bunch of conservative old guys as they are..

585 posts

Judas evangelium-selective bunch of conservative old guys as they are..

How would these "old guys" know what Jesus told Judas? I highly doubt that these people could know what Jesus told Judas.
5,552 posts

How would these "old guys" know what Jesus told Judas? I highly doubt that these people could know what Jesus told Judas.

Way to completely take his words out of context.

You do know that in the Judas evangelium, it is said that Judas actually did what jesus told him cuz he was the only one jesus trusted in?

hasn't been accepted as part of the 'official' bible if I'm not mistaken... selective bunch of conservative old guys as they are..
534 posts

That doesn't justify jack. All you've done is say that because it

was God it must have been good and necessary. Take your God out of this situation and apply it anywhere else and see if this argument hold up for you.
I would wager you would find it a sick a cruel act with the one demanding it being called evil. In fact how much stigma have Pagans and Satanist gotten for supposed claims of animal and even human sacrifice?

If you think about it the people who watched probably thought it was cruel for God to do such a thing. They were all crying and probably saying "Why would God do this to his own son?" After three days he came back to life and everyone was happy and they accepted what God did. Hrm but your probably not satisfied are you? Oh well just be that way if you want.
534 posts

Sorry I sorta messed up my last thread.

That doesn't justify jack. All you've done is say that because it
Is part of the qoute
9,462 posts

No he didn't intentionally get captured. Though he knew he was going to be captured.

If he knew what was going to happen then he could have avoided capture with the use of that knowledge.

True, but the disciples that wrote the Gospels were fairly young when Jesus died so they could have livved on another 30 year.

And the first of the gospels were written 40-70 years after the supposed events. Even at a young age this is extremely unlikely just for this one alone. The last of the gospels weren't written until more then 100 years had passed. Even by today's standards they should have all been dead by that time.
534 posts

And the first of the gospels were written 40-70 years after the supposed events. Even at a young age this is extremely unlikely just for this one alone. The last of the gospels weren't written until more then 100 years had passed. Even by today's standards they should have all been dead by that time.

During that time you could call it a campfire story. Many story in the past were not written for a long time, the stories were just passed down from one person to another.
585 posts

If he knew what was going to happen then he could have avoided capture with the use of that knowledge.

Ya but he knew he was going to die and he accepted the fact he was going to die and wanted to show his love by dieing for us on the cross and forgiving our sins.

There is a different way they word it when religion teachers teach it but that is the best way I can.
585 posts

Also to the fact that the Gospels are third-hand accounts. Well they could be but since the stories were past down it could be based on first-hand accounts that the disciples probably told to "wise men" who would have probably written there accounts down on paper as they were saying it.

Also I don't see how we know exactly when the Gospels were written?

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