ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
585 posts

Mark 5:42
Luke 2:37
I'll find more.

Okay but you it merly says ages of unknown people that has no significance. There are ages of people but the Bible focuses on dates and times and ages very little.
585 posts

Except you have no proof for this. You're just repeating what you've been told. We have no reason whatsoever to believe in any afterlife.

Is the Bible True? Unquestionably, the single greatest evidence lending to the veracity of the Bible's claims of divine inspiration is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Consider this: if man were able to clearly and consistently foresee the future, would the billion-dollar Las Vegas gambling industry exist? We're willing to bet it wouldn't. As man by himself is unable to foresee future events, prophecy is a reasonable indicator of supernatural inspiration. The Bible purports to contain more than a thousand inspired prophecies. The vast majority of these prophecies have already come to pass and can be verified by secular history. Consider, for example, Ezekiel's prophecies concerning God's judgment against the ancient Phoenician capital of Tyre (Ezekiel, chapter 26). The prophecy states that Tyre would first be razed by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Later, it would be utterly destroyed by a coalition of nations, flattened like the top of a rock, its ruins (and even its dust) scraped and thrown into the sea, becoming a place for fishermen to spread their nets. The surrounding nations would witness Tyre's fate and surrender without a fight. It's a rather odd prophecy. Amazingly, the conditions of Ezekiel's prophecy were fulfilled, even to the tiniest detail. Nebuchadnezzar sacked Tyre. Later, Alexander the Great led a coalition of nations against Tyre, demolished it, scraped it to bedrock and threw its ruins into the sea. The ancient site became (and remains to this day) a place for local fishermen to spread their nets to dry. (For secular confirmation, see General History for Colleges and High Schools, Boston, Ginn & Co., p. 55).

Source: Read this to learn more
5,552 posts

Unquestionably, the single greatest evidence lending to the veracity of the Bible's claims of divine inspiration is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy

Unquestionably, the only way to make this claim is to use the bible as evidence for itself, which is a logical fallacy and thus invalid. Which means it's just a book still. There are no other claims of the prophecies being fulfilled in other religions, otherwise they would believe what Christians believe. Thus this is a moot point.

The Bible purports to contain more than a thousand inspired prophecies.

And they're all just as vague and able to be self-fulfilled as the next.
585 posts

There are no other claims of the prophecies being fulfilled in other religions, otherwise they would believe what Christians believe.

Do you really think other religions would claim our prophecies and talk about Christain prophecies!?

Well there are thousands of books put together to create the Bible. These books were written over many years in different years. I don't see how they can be written by one person or a couple people because it isn't I don't see how they are fake when they aren't all written in a couple of years to make up the Christain faith.

Also the main point is that these prophecies came true!
585 posts

It said that that one prophecy came true because it was recorded in a history book.

5,552 posts

Well there are thousands of books put together to create the Bible.

Not thousands in the bible. There are however probably thousands of ones that have just as much claim to be in it though. Ones which heavily contradict what's already in it.

I don't see how they are fake when they aren't all written in a couple of years to make up the Christain faith.

Exactly the point. Ever played the telephone game? Stories get told, and changed, little by little, until you have something completely different. Or -heavily- exaggerated. The fact that it wasn't all written at the same time lends more weight to it having inaccuracies, or things which simply aren't true.

Also the main point is that these prophecies came true!

According to the Bible. Which is what you're trying to say is correct. Can you pick yourself up by your arm with your other arm? No. Neither can the Bible.

Do you really think other religions would claim our prophecies and talk about Christain prophecies!?

If they really happened, then yes. But since every religion claims something different and in direct confrontation with all other religions, then it makes a lot more sense to realize that most likely none of them are right and they are just stories.
585 posts

I don't see how if a book has things written about God over a period of time about different things that is makes it unrealiable.

I am pretty sure that history books include or source from books written at different times.

5,552 posts

I don't see how if a book has things written about God over a period of time about different things that is makes it unrealiable.

Well, let's look at a few things...

1) How the Bible is essentially &quotick and choose" of texts.
2) How radically God "changes" over time.
3) The "corrections" he makes over time.
4) The different accounts of what happened don't add up.
5) Other religions claim of God/gods which occur during that time.
6) We have no way to verify any of it.

Clear enough?

I am pretty sure that history books include or source from books written at different times.

The thing is though, History doesn't just use texts. There is evidence in geology/other histories as well as personal accounts and other such things which all add up to our view of History. Of course it's not perfect, and we know it's not. We're not claiming it is. We don't know the daily lives of everyone who's ever lived.

The Bible on the other hand claims to be the infallible word of an Almighty God. We -can- disprove that claim, because if we disprove even one thing which is in the Bible (and we most certainly have) that disproves it being infallible.
585 posts

6) We have no way to verify any of it.
Clear enough?

Yes it was clear enough thank you. I am sure they are still looking for evidence to verify the Bible. But probably will never happen since the books are so old and there weren't very much historians. This all could be true but since they lived in a time where there was not much historical recording of Christain and Jesus it is hard to verify.
585 posts

The thing is though, History doesn't just use texts. There is evidence in geology/other histories as well as personal accounts and other such things which all add up to our view of History. Of course it's not perfect, and we know it's not. We're not claiming it is. We don't know the daily lives of everyone who's ever lived.
The Bible on the other hand claims to be the infallible word of an Almighty God. We -can- disprove that claim, because if we disprove even one thing which is in the Bible (and we most certainly have) that disproves it being infallible.

Pretty sure there are personal accounts in the Bible. Just because you can disprove one thing doesn't mean that one whole thing is disproven.
I could disprove some
5,552 posts

Pretty sure there are personal accounts in the Bible. Just because you can disprove one thing doesn't mean that one whole thing is disproven.

No, it doesn't. But it also doesn't validate it.

At the most base, here's where we stand with the Bible.

- It is flawed in that it has contradictions and if taken literally quite inaccurate.
- Other religions make the same claims with the same evidence (prophet/divine inspiration) which directly contradict it.
-It's a conglomeration of selected Hebrew texts (the old testament) with selected stories about Jesus Christ and his teachings (the new testament).
- No claims of supernatural occurrences can be validated.
- Mundane &quotroof" such as events that actually happened (wars, migrations, etc.) do not mean that every part of it is correct, only those parts.
- Initially, it was mostly passed on by Oral Tradition, which leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation/personal interpretation/discrepancies.

All of this boils down to a 2000 year old book of morals/stories which can date to even older than that with no reason to believe it.
9,462 posts

Is the Bible True? Unquestionably,

If it was so unquestionable I would be on your side. So yes very questionably.

the single greatest evidence lending to the veracity of the Bible's claims of divine inspiration is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Again the Bible says something that the Bible says happened. Nothing but circular reasoning here. Also quite often what people claim are prophecies aren't even prophecies at all, even in a Biblical sense.

Consider this: if man were able to clearly and consistently foresee the future, would the billion-dollar Las Vegas gambling industry exist? We're willing to bet it wouldn't. As man by himself is unable to foresee future events, prophecy is a reasonable indicator of supernatural inspiration. The Bible purports to contain more than a thousand inspired prophecies. The vast majority of these prophecies have already come to pass and can be verified by secular history.

There has yet to be a prophecy fulfilled that hasn't just been part of the narrative, self fulfilling, so vague it could fit nearly anything, or hoaxed. In other words we don't have an example of a prophecy to even make a claim on in the first place.

Do you really think other religions would claim our prophecies and talk about Christain prophecies!?

Christianity was born out of other religions.

Well there are thousands of books put together to create the Bible.

No there aren't that many.

These books were written over many years in different years.

Yes that's true.

I don't see how they can be written by one person or a couple people because it isn't I don't see how they are fake when they aren't all written in a couple of years to make up the Christain faith.

They are fake because they talk about events that never happened and magical events which couldn't happen. With such material either disproven or nonsensical with no evidence supporting it. Just because the writings of the Bible are made up of many authors means jack diddly to it's validity.
4,710 posts

so, ever played a game called silent post? someone whispers a word into the ear of his/her neighbour, the word gets whispered around, the last person says it loud and then something different than the first word comes out. now combine that with the bible.

9,462 posts

so, ever played a game called silent post? someone whispers a word into the ear of his/her neighbour, the word gets whispered around, the last person says it loud and then something different than the first word comes out. now combine that with the bible.

Yes, another name for this game is called telephone. It makes for a pretty good example of how a spoken rather than written story can be quickly distorted into something completely different. Even in a relatively short period of time.

Before anyone tries to pull out the apologetic bs argument that the culture for the time was better at keeping such methods straight, this I'm afraid is not holding water in light of how human memory works.
4,710 posts

so, what happens with people who cant believe in god like a handicaped person? are they going to hell or what? even if they do bad things?

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