ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
5,340 posts

That is a very kind thing to do for your family and friends and God will probably see the good in you and let your suffering in Hell be short.

burn someone for eternaty but seeing the fact he is a good person. yyes your god is very accepting and good
492 posts

Honestly I think religion is just a scam. No offense to anyone. I just find it more realistic to rely on science. I mean, at least they have proof of their theories.

1,101 posts

Theres way too many different types of religions out there, and way to many types of Gods out there to say that there will be one God at the end of your life.. Just live life, accept the morals you were raised with and live life that way. Sure go to Church or whatever, but nobody wants to hear someones religion shoved down there throat, because they spend 14 hours a week praying to God, and hoping that the rest of there afterlife will be awesome.

2,487 posts

Theres way too many different types of religions out there, and way to many types of Gods out there to say that there will be one God at the end of your life.. Just live life, accept the morals you were raised with and live life that way. Sure go to Church or whatever, but nobody wants to hear someones religion shoved down there throat, because they spend 14 hours a week praying to God, and hoping that the rest of there afterlife will be awesome.

I wish it were that simple. people have a tendency to be imperialistic, and easily threatened. they attack what they hate, they hate what they fear, and they fear what they don't understand (heck, it's why so many christians associate atheists with satanics).

people will try and reduce the threat through many ways, they will convert, shun, or kill (under the most dire of circumstances anyway) that threat in order to restore order to the illusion that is their sense of security. that is why so many christians condemn everyone else to hell, and why they will never bother to even learn of other views.

4 posts

What is you(r) thought on heaven and hell?

I think they are both existing, and important.

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

I believe there is a Heaven, and a Hell, as well as a purgatory.

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Hell most likely. I'd like to go to heaven, but I believe that I have been too much in sin to redeem myself, at least for now.

Is God really real?

I think so. Who/ What else could have made all of this?
2,487 posts

@DarthCrazy: you might want to read the whole thread before you start posting. I know you are new to this, but it gets really annoying if alread closed points are suddenly reopened by someone who isn't paying attention.


9,462 posts

you might want to read the whole thread before you start posting. I know you are new to this, but it gets really annoying if alread closed points are suddenly reopened by someone who isn't paying attention.

To be fair 63 pages is a lot to read through.

I believe there is a Heaven, and a Hell, as well as a purgatory.

Purgatory isn't actually specifically mentioned in the Bible. The concept comes from interpretation.

Hell most likely. I'd like to go to heaven, but I believe that I have been too much in sin to redeem myself, at least for now.

Don't worry, if there is a hell that's where all the fun people and most of the scientific community is going.
I'm bringing the hot dogs for the BBQ, want to bring the hamburgers?

In all likely hood we have no soul. Our consciousness, emotions and anything else about us you want to attribute to to being the result of a soul is all the result of brain activity. When we die the functions that create the emergent property that makes us, us will cease and our physical form will break down into there base components.

But here's the neat thing. If this is all we got and there is no soul, then this leaves open possibilities that we could one day preserve our consciousness for almost as long as we would like.

I think so. Who/ What else could have made all of this?

There is no who that made all this. Our concept of something being made is really nothing more then the rearrangement of matter and energy into a different form. This is the same in reverse as well when something is destroyed. It simply stops being in the form that it's currently in.
10 posts

Our consciousness, emotions and anything else about us you want to attribute to to being the result of a soul is all the result of brain activity. When we die the functions that create the emergent property that makes us, us will cease and our physical form will break down into there base components.

But here's the neat thing. If this is all we got and there is no soul, then this leaves open possibilities that we could one day preserve our consciousness for almost as long as we would like.

How would that possibility lead to the theory that we might be able to preserve our consciousness?
9,462 posts

How would that possibility lead to the theory that we might be able to preserve our consciousness?

If our consciousness is the result of something beyond nature (supernatural) there really isn't much we can do about preserving it as it's beyond what we have control over. However if it's the result of purely physical results we could find ways to replicate/transfer that physically, thus preserving that consciousness.
585 posts

When we die the functions that create the emergent property that makes us, us will cease and our physical form will break down into there base components.

So nothing will happen we die it will just be nothing. To me that is hard to accept, there has to be some meaning to your life? Maybe the meaning of life is to find a way to be immortal to health problems so then nobody will ever die from health problems again. Scientists do say one day we will find way to be immune to every diesease and health issue and that we will not age.
8,256 posts

So nothing will happen we die it will just be nothing. To me that is hard to accept, there has to be some meaning to your life? Maybe the meaning of life is to find a way to be immortal to health problems so then nobody will ever die from health problems again. Scientists do say one day we will find way to be immune to every diesease and health issue and that we will not age.

- It IS hard to accept at first for someone not accustomed to that thought. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.

- Why does the meaning of your life have to lie outside of it? Death gives your life value, you give your life a sense; an afterlife only devalorizes everything. What's the sense of earthly life if there's an afterlife? Tell me pretty please?

- We're not made to be immortal, neither physically nor psychically. Have you read 'All men are mortal' by Simone de Beauvoir? An interesting book, really.

- Certain scientists claim a lot of things... I hope we will be able to fight most important diseases and age-caused troubles sometime, though I severely doubt we'll ever find a cure to everything. And what's the sense of living 200 years if you spend 100 of those years vegetalizing on a clinic bed? Apart from the fact we're still biologically limited to ~125y.

About the thing with the afterlife, consider this: if there is a heaven and a hell, that means your life has an objective goal that you cannot influence, that also means you can fail your whole life by going to hell.

In my view of things, there's no afterlife and thus no possibility to fail ones life; and this is good, since I cannot accept that a life can be simply wasted, failed like that. That's a reason why I find the afterlife system of some religions shocking. It despises life.

However if there's nothing after death, that basically means that eternal rest is awaiting you. Doesn't that sound peaceful...?
9,462 posts

To me that is hard to accept, there has to be some meaning to your life?

Let's say you had your absolute favorite meal of all time, but this is the only time you ever get to eat that meal. Would that fact that the meal will eventual end reduce in any way what you got from it? It would still have value, meaning for you would it not? Just because something ends doesn't mean it didn't have meaning when it was around.
474 posts

Let's say you had your absolute favorite meal of all time, but this is the only time you ever get to eat that meal. Would that fact that the meal will eventual end reduce in any way what you got from it? It would still have value, meaning for you would it not? Just because something ends doesn't mean it didn't have meaning when it was around.

You're right, just because there is no god or afterlife, that doesn't mean you can't have fun while it lasts. I say live in the present, because there is nothing but the present, except for memory.
75 posts

Hmh....To be honest,I firmly stand to reincarnation.

9,462 posts

Hmh....To be honest,I firmly stand to reincarnation.

In what sense do you mean?
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