ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
2,487 posts

I bilive that the bible has to be true,:
how was it written if not?
if so who came up with the great idea of it?
if heaven and the bible and jeasus are metioned,then who is right? atieths? christans? judist? muslims?

since you are new, we will go easy on you for now.

1.people can write anything, and claim it true, that doesn't make it true.

2.some guy who thought that he heard voices in his head and decided to capitalize off of it. far, atheists have the upper hand in this argument, but you wouldn't think this because your ignorance blinds your true intelligence (or at least I hope that's how it is).

1,060 posts

I believe in an afterlife. I believe that people are punished for the bad things and rewarded for the good things. I don't believe this because of the Bible or the Quran, or the Torah or any other religious works. I believe this because I feel this is how it works. Now, how these are separated is beyond me, and whether there is a thing who punishes and rewards us is also something I don't focus on. It's as simple as that for me.

3,085 posts

"I have a feeling" is no good reason to believe in anything - I have a feeling that I'll win the lottery next weekend, in reality though, the odds of that are something like 1 in 14 million.

1,060 posts

And what if your feeling is right. If I said that I have a "feeling" that there is someone behind me, am I going to check, yes. That's a terrible analogy but if we ignored our "feelings" half of us would be dead. Also, doesn't the thought of a better place prevent most people from killing each other? Yes jail is bad, but you'll survive and possibly get out eventually, but if you kill ten people, what if you get eternal torture. That will make you rethink it.

3,085 posts

Actually, while I can't claim to speak for everyone else, I think the feelings of terror and disgust that I get from the mere thought of harming another human being are what keep me from hurting people - y'know, my conscience and moral compass and stuff, not the threat of some sort of punishment by authorities (physical or spiritual).

1,060 posts

Yes, but the whole afterlife thing helps. Keeps me from doing other bad things.

3,085 posts

Then I'd posit the idea that you, by the standards of your own afterlife idea, would actually be punished and sent to 'hell' - if the threat of punishment is the only thing keeping you from performing bad actions then that, essentially, would mean that you'd already committed them in a sense. Is it too much to postulate that this system of judgement, however it may be enacted, would know the content of a persons heart and mind and the reasons behind their judgements? Therefore, such a thing would be aware of the reasons for you behaving well, and would still send you to hell or at least punish you in some form for being good merely to be rewarded.

1,060 posts

Yes, but I also do good because there are people who need the $26.50 an hour more than I do. I only need $19.00 an hour to live, the other $7.50 goes to Martin, the homeless man who lives in my alley. Even then I give him soup and left over sheet metal from where I work. I do that because I don't need it, and he does, and because I don't like seeing him soaking wet and freezing.

9,462 posts

And what if your feeling is right. If I said that I have a "feeling" that there is someone behind me, am I going to check, yes. That's a terrible analogy but if we ignored our "feelings" half of us would be dead.

there is a difference between ignoring our feelings and believing something solely based on feeling. Even in your example, we might feel there is someone behind you, but we won't believe there is until we look and confirm this someone's existence with observation.
2,487 posts

Yes, but I also do good because there are people who need the $26.50 an hour more than I do. I only need $19.00 an hour to live, the other $7.50 goes to Martin, the homeless man who lives in my alley. Even then I give him soup and left over sheet metal from where I work. I do that because I don't need it, and he does, and because I don't like seeing him soaking wet and freezing.

(sniff)what a beautiful piece of pathos rhetoric, it almost made me cry, but then I remembered the fact that you were arguing for the existience of god, and then my logic receptors kicked in and...well you get the idea.

sob stories, and personal testimonies don't win debates, logic and cold, hard, verifiable fact does.

besides, unless you can verify this homeless man, then you are more crooked than a politician.

4,710 posts

Anyway, that's like saying "how could anyone have come up with the idea for Harry Potter if it wasn't true? Wizards and magic MUST be real!"

that made my day.

well, you should not do good deeds to get a reward. just do them to be nice. the world would be better if nearly everyone would do that.
653 posts

Yes, but I also do good because there are people who need the $26.50 an hour more than I do. I only need $19.00 an hour to live, the other $7.50 goes to Martin, the homeless man who lives in my alley. Even then I give him soup and left over sheet metal from where I work. I do that because I don't need it, and he does, and because I don't like seeing him soaking wet and freezing.

Wtf? You realize 7.50 is more than minimum wage. He could afford to rent a small apartment. Especially if your giving him food and he could scrap the sheet metal for even more money.
8,256 posts

And what if your feeling is right. If I said that I have a "feeling" that there is someone behind me, am I going to check, yes. That's a terrible analogy but if we ignored our "feelings" half of us would be dead.

Feelings are what, neural stimuli? I don't remember what area it was, but I heard about a certain area in the frontal lobe of the brain, where you ca, through stimuli, induce the feeling of a higher being or supernatural coherence or stuff like that.

I also found an article about a group of researchers trying to find the neural background for religious beliefs (one of many I guess). I find this passage particularly interesting:

"This work was followed by a study where scientists tried to stimulate the temporal lobes with a rotating magnetic field produced by a "God helmet". Michael Persinger, from Laurentian University in Ontario, found that he could artificially create the experience of religious feelings â" the helmet's wearer reports being in the presence of a spirit or having a profound feeling of cosmic bliss."

Funnily, apparently Dawkins also tried on the helmet and didn't 'find god' :P

All this to say, feelings can be good indicators for certain things but the fact some can simply be stimulated in an experience make a divine origin rather questionable.
1 posts

god is not real thats the cold hard truth. r u that stuid to really belive all that stuff its a load of crap. it is scientifically impossible.

2,487 posts

god is not real thats the cold hard truth. r u that stuid to really belive all that stuff its a load of crap. it is scientifically impossible.

lol, trust me, we've been saying this for a while now. if kasic, mage, hahiha, or I couldn't do it, then chances are this statement of yours has no sway either.

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