ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Tides are created because the Earth and the moon are attracted to each other

No. Tides are not caused by the direct pull of the moon's gravity. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon.
The gravitational attraction of the moon causes the oceans to bulge out in the direction of the moon, while the earth causes another bulge on the opposite side.
Moon pulls upward, Earth pulls downward. Result = Tide.

Simply put, tides are created because the Earth and the moon are attracted to each other.

Plus, the moon has been closer and the moon will get farther away.

Anyway, what's your point? What's with the obsession with the moon and tides?

I'll defend my claims when I see you on Judgement day. See how things work out then. You've been warned.

I'll see you in Valhalla. See how things work out then. You've been warned.
8,256 posts

I would just like to say that that is actually the humidity in the air. That's why when people use dehumidifiers, the bin fills with water. Humidity.

Lawl. Oxygen=/=Air. Air is a mix of gases, while oxygen is a single element usually found in gas state. What you see on the picture is pure liquid oxygen. I know it not only from theory, but also from having seen some myself..
Anyway, oxygen (g), gravitation etc. may escape visual detection but we are able to detect them by other means, with machines or other senses etc.. in fact a lot of plants have gravitropic roots, and there are even bacterias that orient themselves with mini magnets along the magnetic lines.

Show me one single measure that indicates positively anything in the line of a deity, and then we can talk seriously.

[quote]I'll defend my claims when I see you on Judgement day. See how things work out then. You've been warned.

I'll see you in Valhalla. See how things work out then. You've been warned.[/quote]
Cool down, you'll both have time to debate this once you're in Hades..
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'll be your first floor neighbor in Tartarus.....

2,487 posts

@Nicho-since you went after what seemed like the meat of his claims, I'll just do the parts that make him look foolish.

I hope you know that YOU, did not prove anything wrong. And I never believed the world was flat. But clearly, you can't let go of the past if you keep bringing it up.

Because your bible says so. If the bible is the infallible word of an all-knowing god, then why does it say the earth is flat, when it's been proved otherwise?

Fact? Fact? The undeniable fact is that when Jesus cracks the sky open, you're gonna swallow every word you ever said against Christianity and how you think it's a 'lie'.

Camping was the last guy who made that claim, and even set a date for when it would happen. He claimed that he was a devoted follower of jesus, and was given prophetic powers, but he was still wrong anyway. what does that say about jesus?

I would just like to say that that is actually the humidity in the air. That's why when people use dehumidifiers, the bin fills with water. Humidity.

lol, water bins for dehumidifiers aren't shaped like test tubes, neither are they made of such thick plastic. seriously, your claims are easily disproven.

My wondrous lack of intellect? Well, I think you should correct all of your grammatical errors before assaulting me with words.

How about me? My grammar is just fine, and I still don't believe in god (as if grammar had anything to do with belief). Also, you clearly do show a lack of intelligence, or a heavy level of indoctrination (I can't decide which).

[quote][quote]I'll defend my claims when I see you on Judgement day. See how things work out then. You've been warned.

I'll see you in Valhalla. See how things work out then. You've been warned.[/quote]

Cool down, you'll both have time to debate this once you're in Hades..[/quote]

No way man, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will be our true judge.

4,104 posts

I'll be watching you all from Jannah

No, hundreds of other religions will be watching you in their version of hell.
5,340 posts

I'll defend my claims when I see you on Judgement day. See how things work out then. You've been warned.

lol scaring people with your own belief? arent you giving a good name to christians? lol really this is ironic. if jesus existed he would be ashamed in your place XD
2,487 posts

lol scaring people with your own belief? arent you giving a good name to christians? lol really this is ironic. if jesus existed he would be ashamed in your place XD

allow me to help that though sink in.
7 posts

my perspective is that yes, God already pretty much decided who is going to heaven and who isn't, but he gave us the gift of free will. We could do whatever we want with our lives, it's our choice. So if you are meant to go to heaven from the beginning, but during your life span you stray from God's will and do things just for your own pleasure, things can change. But im not positive. That's just what i think

5,552 posts

my perspective is that yes, God already pretty much decided who is going to heaven and who isn't, but he gave us the gift of free will. We could do whatever we want with our lives, it's our choice. So if you are meant to go to heaven from the beginning, but during your life span you stray from God's will and do things just for your own pleasure, things can change.

The above leaves me to determine that, in this case, God is the penultimate ******* of the universe and deserves to be nibbled to death by the non-scary gremlins.

Seriously? He determines whether we are eternally punished before we even are born? I'd go to hell willingly in this case, as anyone who disagrees with that kind of guy must be an order of magnitude kinder.
8,256 posts

I know it's an unanswerable question, but in your opinion, what the heck is the purpose, for a supposedly all-loving deity, to create humans predetermined to go to heaven or hell, even though they can still themselves influence the decision? Why not simply letting the events decide the destination?

Why even making two destination? Because it makes it more rewarding to be good? That's human logic, I can hardly imagine a deity to be like that. We should be 'good' in order to be 'good', not in order to go to heaven.

But that's just me..

291 posts

Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

First off, "bad" is subjective. For example, the Bible extensively talks about slavery and humane ways of dealing with slaves i.e., slavery is not "bad" according to the Bible, it is the mistreatment of slaves that is bad. Fast forward two thousand years, slavery today has been abolished and branded as "bad". The Bible does not condemn slavery, whereas modern society does - the meaning has changed.

Onto your questions...

What is you thought on heaven and hell?
Heaven - a place to endlessly praise and adore God.
Hell - a place people go to suffer in anguish for being imperfect, as designed by God.

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell? Neither as their existence is extremely implausible.

Is God really real? God is most definitely real in the human mind.
534 posts

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell? Neither as their existence is extremely implausible.

I was playing the first fable game when I came across this grave. It said: Here lies an athiest. All dressed up with nowhere to go.

First off, "bad" is subjective. For example, the Bible extensively talks about slavery and humane ways of dealing with slaves i.e., slavery is not "bad" according to the Bible, it is the mistreatment of slaves that is bad. Fast forward two thousand years, slavery today has been abolished and branded as "bad". The Bible does not condemn slavery, whereas modern society does - the meaning has changed.

That's a pretty good argument. Today slavery is bad simply because we make it bad. hmm. Just like we make something good simply because we say it is good. Like *cough* gay marriage *cough cough* You can comment me when I said gay marriage but I will not respond. Simply because I am not interested inthat right now.
2,487 posts

I was playing the first fable game when I came across this grave. It said: Here lies an athiest. All dressed up with nowhere to go.

he goes to the worms, like all men do.

That's a pretty good argument. Today slavery is bad simply because we make it bad. hmm. Just like we make something good simply because we say it is good. Like *cough* gay marriage *cough cough* You can comment me when I said gay marriage but I will not respond. Simply because I am not interested inthat right now.

...I thought we were done with having to deal with you and your clan. oh well, guess we'll have to go back to the way it was before.

slavery is bad because it infringes upon human rights. don't tell me the slave back in those days were okay with being a slave. he had no rights, just like the modern slave. that's why it's bad.

gay marrige is fine because they have their human rights to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. to call it bad is infringing upon those very rights that america was made on. that is why going against it is bad.

but this is all one big digression.

291 posts

Today slavery is bad simply because we make it bad. hmm. Just like we make something good simply because we say it is good.

No, slavery is "bad" for the same reason **** and murder are bad. There is a victim involved, in this case, the slaves.

I don't know where you were going with gay marriage, but I hope you weren't comparing it to slavery. Seriously, believe what you want but don't try to impose your will or that of whatever sky fairy you choose to pray to on others.

You can keep your sense of self-entitlement but know that people have learned from history. It's highly unlikely that your religion will be allowed to make decisions for society. The last time it was permitted to, human progress decelerated for over 500 years - the Dark Ages.
9,462 posts

First off, "bad" is subjective. For example, the Bible extensively talks about slavery and humane ways of dealing with slaves i.e., slavery is not "bad" according to the Bible, it is the mistreatment of slaves that is bad. Fast forward two thousand years, slavery today has been abolished and branded as "bad". The Bible does not condemn slavery, whereas modern society does - the meaning has changed.

No the meanings have not changed. It mean for one to be held in servitude to another, as in being property. It meant that then and it means that now.

As for the rules in the Bible you were still allowed to mistreat your slaves. There were simply extents you were not allow to go in that mistreatment and even then these rules only applied to certain slaves.

That's a pretty good argument. Today slavery is bad simply because we make it bad.

It's regarded as bad because it infringes on another person.

Just like we make something good simply because we say it is good. Like *cough* gay marriage *cough cough* You can comment me when I said gay marriage but I will not respond.

Not granting... Just read Blade's response, I feel I'm just repeating what he said.
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