Hey guys, sorry for my continuous disappearances (blame the homework), but it just can't be helped. So if I'm gone for a period of time, you know what to do (blame the homework, lol). Anyway, Project: Thunderstorm is based off of a book I'm trying to write, where the main character is a genius mechanic. Well, for this game, I'm going to take that a few steps further, by adding in some stuff from plain mechanics, not to mention the ability to craft items like in my old Crafter's World RPG. Hope you like it!!!
Basic afternoon day. Your walking home from school when a black van with "G.O.S.T." plastered on the side of it pulls up, some men in black run out, and pull you in. You later find yourself in the Governmental Operation of Sector Three, aka, G.O.S.T. They explain to you that G.O.S.T. is a organization of genius mechanics and robotic experts, that help create weapons and stuff for the US Army, and also to keep the bad guys and terrorists on their toes. It's so secret, it makes Area 51 look like Facebook. Anyway, in a recent struggle, a strange group, known simply as the Last Judgment, wants to go back to the old ways, with religion, magic, etc, and see all this technology as a sin. The newly risen leader, Erebi, codenamed "The Reaper," is worse than the rest of the gang. He led an assault on the G.O.S.T. operations, but only succeeded in killing it's old leader, Edgar Nitch. G.O.S.T., without their leader, is nearly powerless. That is what you are for. You, and many others, are at their headquarters to restrengthen G.O.S.T. against the Last Judgement. Are you up for it?
There are three main types of machine in this world: Clockwork, Mechanical, and Electrical.
Clockworks are machines that use similar wind-up tech as clocks and pocket watches. Much more basic to design and construct than their wired compadres, Electrical. Their shortfall, however, is that you have to constantly keep winding them up for them to work.
When constructing Clockworks, crafting time is 5% every post if you have the correct items/objects to craft them.
Much more advanced than clockworks, Electricals will take longer to craft, but they will last much longer than clockworks when in use. The only thing you need to do is replace the batteries.
When constructing Electricals, crafting time is 1-2% every post, depending on the machine being constructed, and if you have the correct items/objects to craft them.
Mechanical is more of a general type of machine craft. The machines made using this craft have various power sources, and are average in construction time.
When constructing Mechanicals, crafting time is 3-4% every post, depending on the machine being constructed, and if you have the correct items/objects to craft them.
[i]Character Sheet Name: Age: (16 and up) Codename: (be creative, this is for something with G.O.S.T.) ------------- Machine Craft: (Clockwork, Mechanical, or Electrical...and only ONE) Parts: (will gain starter pack for the certain machine craft you choose) Raw Materials: Scrap Metal (5x) ------------- Inventory: G.O.S.T. Pass Money: $25 Status: Average.
Name: Justin Erwin Age: 16 Code-name: Mobius 1 ------------- Machine Craft: Electrical Parts: (will gain starter pack for the certain machine craft you choose) Raw Materials: Scrap Metal (5x) ------------- Inventory: G.O.S.T. Pass Money: $25 Status: Average