You crash into a few dozen asteroids and pull a moon half the size of you into orbit. You are now a binary planet, and magma covers more of your surface.
You head toward the Habitable Zone and attract a protoplanet into your faic.
So that means, you get a hell of a lot bigger, and you also grab a few comets. alette=Chthonian&cmd=Create&name=Blazorival&height=300&ct_ice=0&seed=172381&rojection=Animated&ct_water=89&motif=SciFi" alt="" />
The nameless planet moves away from the star and get's captured around a gas giant. This probably won't happen again, so you can ditch the gas giant and orbit on your own, or possibly become an Endor type world.
Yay, life, must have been amino acids in the comets. Anyway, I wait for a little while for my planet to cool down a bit, then head towards the "goldilocks" zone.