This is my first RPG attempt so please bear with me and if you have suggestions they are welcome.
Rules: 1.If you see this (Cutscene) then its a part of the story line your character doesn't know about but you do. If its (Cutscene-CI) Then your character does know about it or is in it possibly.
2.No flaming each other or me here, please do that on the profiles.
3.A lot of stuff is either dice roll (luck) or math (skill) so you'll will miss a lot if you solely rely on luck.
4.If you think there should be any other rules please tell me.
Character Sheet:
Name: Age13+) Gender: Profession: Descriptionoptional but it would be better if you gave me something.) Biosee description) PerkTell me what you want i'll name it) ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
(Cutscene) (malevolent music) (Male Voice #1):"They have arrived sir." (Male Voice #2):"Good get them situated, and remember no mistakes this time!" (End Cutscene.)
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk: If it fits, I'd like faster reflexes. ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
That's perfect. You wake up in a white room with white furniture and bright white lights. You are almost blinded by all the whiteness. Then a lady walks in the room wearing a black one piece suit she says. (huge Portal reference here) "Welcome to the Aperture Science facility: 1876" (your character doesn't know hes in a asylum yet.) "My name is GLaDOS. What do you require?"
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
"Well, ok, 'GLaDOS'. First... Where bloody am I?! Let me out of here now."
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
(A hologram appears) Man:"Hello Mr.Pike I am Dr.Erwin CEO and head scientist of Aperture Science. You are at one of our facility's in Maine. Do you need anything to eat or drink?"
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
"Well, no, no food or drink, but what is Aperture Science?"
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
(Dr.Erwin) "Aperture Science is the United States top scientific company. We test everything from simple food to WMD's we need you to test some things for us."
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
"Well, what do you need me to test? And why do you need to bloody kidnap people to test them?"
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
(Dr.Erwin) "Glados will give you what we need you to test but about the kidnapping we have your parents consent to allow you to be here. good bye for now." (Glados) "Test this Aperture Science full body suit." (hands you suit.)
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
(Glados) "Now think about what you want to be wearing."
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
"As you say." I imagine myself wearing a black sleeveless shirt, black cargo pants, and dark gray sneakers.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
Suddenly the suit changes to that outfit. (Cutscene) (Dr.Erwin) "Very good he suspects nothing." (Man #1) "Sir what if he figures out whats really going on? (Dr.Erwin)"By then it will be too late" (evil smile) (End Cutscene)
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team:None
"Well, that's very nice. Is there anything else to test?"
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:50% Thirst:50% Rest:0% Team:None
(Glados) "Not at this time would you like to go to the cafeteria for breakfast?" (note the closer you are to 1005 the hungrier/thirstier/sleepier you are.)
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Gender: Male Profession: Student Description: 6'2", thin, pale, short light brown hair, green eyes. Bio: Aleister was born and raised in Ontario. He was always the misanthropic type, keeping to himself. He kept his anger quiet, but would go all-out in fights. Perk:Fast Reflexes ---------------- Inventory: Equipped: Health:100/100 Hunger:50% Thirst:50% Rest:0% Team:None
(Got it, thanks.)
"I suppose so. I could use some food and drink." I follow Glados.