This is a game where you are over-throwing a communist-China world government.
Name: (duh) Age: (13+) GenderDuh) ProfessionDuh) Descriptionoptional but I would like it) Bio: (See description) PerkTell me what you want i'll name it) ---------------- Inventory: Health:100/100 Status: Hunger:0% Thirst:0% Rest:0% Team: -------------------- Level:1 Stat Points Available: 20 Strength: Accuracy: Luck: Intelligence: Agility:
Inspired by the following: 1.The Hunger Games 2.Muse Uprising and 3.Flobots Handlebars/White Flag Warrior. If you see (Cutscene) then your character doesn't know about it but you do. If you see (Cutscene-CI) Then your character does know about it and might be in it.