ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero/Villain 2

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The last Super Hero/Villain game that I created stressed me out because of problems in real, and problems posting. But now everything is cleared up, and this one will be better than the last.

In this RPG, you will be playing as a Super Human. You can choose from any of the powers listed below this paragraph, and the best part--you can choose what type of super human you wish to become. You can be evil, and be feared;or be good, and earn the respect, honor, and love of the community that surrounds your character.

Fame and Honor will be factors in this game.
Honor is how much people respect, or disrespect you. This is based off of your actions that you make throughout your story. This will also determine what kind of allies/enemies you will make.

Fame is how known you are in the world. Also, this will determine how often Bounty Hunters will try to hunt you down if your honor is low, or how often people give/send gifts to you or your base of operations.

Here, you can choose what power you would like to have. Select only one, and add it to your character sheet, below this list.
Healing Factor: Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects.
Acid Generation: Ability to generate acid, can be manifested through touch or as a spray (eg. acid spit, acid blood, etc.).
Animal Mimicry: Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals.
Body Part Substitution: Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another.
Bone Manipulation: Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Duplication: Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
Echolocation: Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.
Invisibility: Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.
Sonic Scream: Ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human.
Vortex Breathe: Ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength. This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved.
Heat Vision: Ability to burn objects with one's gaze.
Freeze Vision: Ability to freeze objects with one's gaze.
Darkness/Shadow: Ability to create or manipulate darkness, often by mentally accessing a dimension of dark energy and manipulating it.
Weather Manipulation: Ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather.
Superhuman Speed: Ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal Human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed.

I think that's enough, right?

Character Sheet
Desc: (Physical)
Power: (Choose from list of powers above)
Energy: 0
Fame: 0
Honor: 0

You might have noticed that I've taken away Hunger, Hydration, and Rest factors. Although these no longer matter in this RPG, you will gain energy for your powers by drinking, eating, and resting.

Once ya join, you'll be randomly given a setting and story. Hope you enjoy

  • 651 Replies
1,211 posts

Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 85/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 10:46AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

A police officer spots you looking at a few wanted signs. "Hey, if your looking to help us, get that guy." he says, pointing to a picture of a man with scars on his face. "That guy caused quite a stir yesterday. He had... wings come out of his back, and he attacked this other guy, but the dude survived it. He spat green acid stuff out... they were like super humans or something. Can you find him and take care of it?"

"Sure, I'll try. Do you have any idea as to where I can find him?"
4,710 posts

Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$93/Red handkerchief
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:03PM; Monday

You arrive slightly late, and the boss scolds you for a few minutes, then tells you to get to work.
you finish the shift, and collect $53.

i search a library or a book store that is open.
5,365 posts

Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 10/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 29/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 8:14PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

"That sounds okay. So what is all that about the Evil Angel person? Were you hurt?"
As she says that, your head begins to start throbbing. The pain snuck back up on you after you remember what happened.

I sit down to let my body rest a bit. "Oh, yeah. So, I was following this man. He was stalking this woman. I tried to stop him, but he turned into some sort of evil angel thing and attacked me. Locust and fog and everything. Long story, I lost him. Still hurt pretty bad, though. We'll have to move tomorrow, at least until I heal a bit."
1,676 posts

Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 85/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 10:46AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

"Sure, I'll try. Do you have any idea as to where I can find him?"

"No. He flies around with those wings that he has. We have few snipers out on rooftops right now, searching for him, but we have no clue where he is. The man who fought him was interviewed, and he told us that he was stalking a few women when he was found. He was wearing a large black trench coat, with an abnormally black cowboy hat."
Name: Ryan Blivio
HP: 100/100%
Desc: Slick Jet Black Hair, Green eyes, 6,2, Many wounds and Scars.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 0/100%
Fame: 45%
Honor: -26%
Inventory:$1,766/duplicated Magnum w/ 4 bullets
Time of Day: 6:14PM; Sunday

"You drive off the highway, into an open field of tall grass. The cop cars do not follow your trail, but the helicopter above keeps a watchful eye over you. Just ahead is a forest, and your sure to crash if you keep heading that way. To your left is more tall grass, and behind you is the highway you just drove away from. To the right is the city that you just left. Where will you go?
Name: Zack McAllistor

You search it for what?
Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 10/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 29/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 8:21PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

"Oh my!" She gives you another big hug. "Come on, lets set you up in your tent. You do need rest." She puts her hand on your back, attempting to lead you to the tent. Will you go, or do you have a different plan?

5,365 posts

Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 10/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 29/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 8:21PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

"Oh my!" She gives you another big hug. "Come on, lets set you up in your tent. You do need rest." She puts her hand on your back, attempting to lead you to the tent. Will you go, or do you have a different plan?

I follow her to the tent.
1,386 posts

Name:Evil Genius
HP: 100/103%
Desc:187cm, 80kg, black hair, brown eyes, slightly slouched back.
Energy: 98/110%
Fame: 1%
Honor: -5%
Inventory: $1,342.29/Knife/Protein Bar/CIA Most Wanted Documents
Time of Day: 6:34PM; Monday
Job: H&H Employee: $310/week;8:00AM-5:30PM;Monday-Saturday

You collect $800 for the parts that you sold.
The last criminal on the most wanted list, Jack Ingram, is worth $300 dead, $1,000 alive. His location is south of you, about 34 miles away.

That is too far, I dont think I can get there in time and back without being late to work.So, I look for all of the ones closest to me.
1,211 posts

Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 85/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 10:46AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

"No. He flies around with those wings that he has. We have few snipers out on rooftops right now, searching for him, but we have no clue where he is. The man who fought him was interviewed, and he told us that he was stalking a few women when he was found. He was wearing a large black trench coat, with an abnormally black cowboy hat."

I'll walk around looking for him, especially around places with women without very much clothing.

4,710 posts

Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$93/Red handkerchief
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:03PM; Monday

i search a library or a book store that is open.

You search it for what?

i look for books that can tell me more about my powers, teach me how to defend me against others and books that show me how i can create weapons like spears and bombs.
1,676 posts

Name: Ryan Blivio
HP: 100/100%
Desc: Slick Jet Black Hair, Green eyes, 6,2, Many wounds and Scars.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 0/100%
Fame: 45%
Honor: -26%
Inventory:$1,766/duplicated Magnum w/ 4 bullets
Time of Day: 6:17PM; Sunday

You park the car at the edge of the forest, and you search for any useful items, but you find nothing. You get out, and walk into the forest, with the cop cars pulling in behind you. You hear dogs barking after you enter the dense forest. Where will you go?
Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 43/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 96/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 7:33PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

You go to the tent, and lie down. You rest for 11 hours. Now what will you do?
Name:Evil Genius
HP: 100/103%
Desc:187cm, 80kg, black hair, brown eyes, slightly slouched back.
Energy: 98/110%
Fame: 1%
Honor: -5%
Inventory: $1,342.29/Knife/Protein Bar/CIA Most Wanted Documents
Time of Day: 6:34PM; Monday
Job: H&H Employee: $310/week;8:00AM-5:30PM;Monday-Saturday

Its 6:34 PM, work starts in the morning for you. So you do have to time track this criminal down... will you still try, or go after a different criminal?
Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 85/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 10:57AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

Lol, good choice.

You walk around on the sidewalks, but you don't see any signs of the man. Then, you hear a gunshot from one of the snipers from the rooftop of a building. The bullet hit some glass, and it shatters. Suddenly, you see the man with the trench coat and black cowboy hat sprint down the sidewalk, straight towards you, while he holds his hat on so it doesn't blow off. He's about to tackle you in order to escape whatever is pursuing him... what will you do?
Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$93/Red handkerchief
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:03PM; Monday

You find a few comic books, but now informational books about your abilities. You find a book that teaches a little about martial arts, and how to defend yourself, and it costs $14 to buy. There are no books about how to create bombs or make spears, but the internet is available in this library, maybe that could help.

4,710 posts

Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$93/Red handkerchief
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:03PM; Monday

You find a few comic books, but now informational books about your abilities. You find a book that teaches a little about martial arts, and how to defend yourself, and it costs $14 to buy. There are no books about how to create bombs or make spears, but the internet is available in this library, maybe that could help.

i buy the book, absorb some light of the lamps to get some energy and then i use the internet in this library to find out how to create smoke bombs, bad smelling bombs and bombs that are like tnt.
5,365 posts

Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 43/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 96/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 7:33PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

You go to the tent, and lie down. You rest for 11 hours. Now what will you do?

I get up and out, and suggest to everyone that we relocate.
1,386 posts

Name:Evil Genius
HP: 100/103%
Desc:187cm, 80kg, black hair, brown eyes, slightly slouched back.
Energy: 98/110%
Fame: 1%
Honor: -5%
Inventory: $1,342.29/Knife/Protein Bar/CIA Most Wanted Documents
Time of Day: 6:34PM; Monday
Job: H&H Employee: $310/week;8:00AM-5:30PM;Monday-Saturday

Its 6:34 PM, work starts in the morning for you. So you do have to time track this criminal down... will you still try, or go after a different criminal?

I dont think so, its roughly 13 hours till work right? Then I have to drive 50 kilometres and back again, and since I dont have a car, I need to take a taxi or plane, which will cost money, and think of the possibility that he might not be there, that maybe he is in a different place. So, yes, the closest criminals.
1,211 posts

Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 85/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 10:57AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

Lol, good choice.

You walk around on the sidewalks, but you don't see any signs of the man. Then, you hear a gunshot from one of the snipers from the rooftop of a building. The bullet hit some glass, and it shatters. Suddenly, you see the man with the trench coat and black cowboy hat sprint down the sidewalk, straight towards you, while he holds his hat on so it doesn't blow off. He's about to tackle you in order to escape whatever is pursuing him... what will you do?

I'll multiply myself about 10 times and stop his tackle. After that, I (and my dups) try to hold him to the floor.
1,676 posts

Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$79/Red handkerchief/Martial Arts-Defence(book)
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:43PM; Monday

During your research, you discover about pipe bombs. Unfortunately, bombs are not easy to make, so you will need a few items.
-Needed is approximately a 2 inch diameter pipe 6 inches long with two threaded ends and two threaded pipe end caps.
-Teflon Pipe Tape.
-Plastic air tight zip lock freezer bags.
-Box wooden matches.
-Electric Drill with drill bit.
-Tube of Liquid Nail Glue.
-Bag of Cotton Balls.
-Fuse (see below).
-Broom Handle.
-Detonator (see below).
-Explosive Materials (see below).
-Gun (black) Powder (this can be obtained from a local gun shop)(other types of explosives can be used, see below).
-12 inch Ruler.
-Black Magic Marker.
-Fuse (cannon fuse or firecracker fuse works best)
Name: Gregory Outridge
HP: 43/100%
Desc: 6'3", thin, pale, short black hair, deep green eyes
Power: Acid Generation
Energy: 96/100%
Fame: 87%
Honor: 21%
Time: 7:46PM;Tuesday
Residence: Homeless Camp in Alleyway (68% filled Fuel Can/4 tents/6 other people
Job: Janitor for Resturaunt--Monday through Friday--2:00PM to 8:00PM for $212 a week.

They agree to your idea. They begin to pack their belongings, and wait for you to lead.
Name: Ryan Blivio
HP: 100/100%
Desc: Slick Jet Black Hair, Green eyes, 6,2, Many wounds and Scars.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 0/100%
Fame: 45%
Honor: -26%
Inventory:$1,766/duplicated Magnum w/ 4 bullets
Time of Day: 6:20PM; Sunday

You arrive at the center, but nothing interesting or useful remain to be seen. The sound of the dogs' barks are getting closer.
Name:Evil Genius
HP: 100/103%
Desc:187cm, 80kg, black hair, brown eyes, slightly slouched back.
Energy: 98/110%
Fame: 1%
Honor: -5%
Inventory: $1,342.29/Knife/Protein Bar/CIA Most Wanted Documents
Time of Day: 6:34PM; Monday
Job: H&H Employee: $310/week;8:00AM-5:30PM;Monday-Saturday


Dave, age 43, in this area, $20 dead, $60 alive.
Kyle, age 22, in this area, $15 dead, $35 alive.
Name: Mort
HP: 100/100%
Desc: A bit thinner and taller than most other people, grey eyes, and dark-blond hair.
Power: Duplication
Energy: 20/100%
Fame: 3%
Honor: 6%
Inventory: Newspaper/$88/M1911(4/0)/pocket knife/bag of marijuana/4 unknown pills/sunglasses
Time of Day: 11:04AM; Saturday
Job: Fast Food Server from 9:00AM - 5:00PM for $47 Monday-Friday
Current Residence: The Fair Price Inn for $16 per day

He tackles four duplicates, and passes the rest of you. The duplicates fall to the floor, yell in pain, and vanish. The other 6 dups chase after the man. What will you do?

4,710 posts

Iron - Squire


Name: Zack McAllistor
HP: 101/105%
Desc: he was an experiemt of a mad scientist and growed two new arms so he has four now. he is athletic, strong and fast, tall, black hair with red stripes, red eyes
Power: Luminokinesis/Animal Mimicry
Energy: 27/107%
Fame: 82%
Honor: 34%
Inventory: Watch/$79/Red handkerchief/Martial Arts-Defence(book)
Job: Dishwasher at 4 star resturaunt from 2:00PM - 9:00PM/$53 -- Monday - Friday
Time: 9:43PM; Monday

During your research, you discover about pipe bombs. Unfortunately, bombs are not easy to make, so you will need a few items.
-Needed is approximately a 2 inch diameter pipe 6 inches long with two threaded ends and two threaded pipe end caps.
-Teflon Pipe Tape.
-Plastic air tight zip lock freezer bags.
-Box wooden matches.
-Electric Drill with drill bit.
-Tube of Liquid Nail Glue.
-Bag of Cotton Balls.
-Fuse (see below).
-Broom Handle.
-Detonator (see below).
-Explosive Materials (see below).
-Gun (black) Powder (this can be obtained from a local gun shop)(other types of explosives can be used, see below).
-12 inch Ruler.
-Black Magic Marker.
-Fuse (cannon fuse or firecracker fuse works best)

i try now to find out how i can create smoke bombs.
Showing 601-615 of 651