ForumsWEPRThe different type of christian.

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534 posts

Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.

This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible.
This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.

  • 210 Replies
8,256 posts

Christianity its real.

Noone questioned the existence of the religion

First of all, Catholics, are not Christians.

Yes they are? The catholic church was the most important branch of christianity at least in medieval Europe (and still today in a few countries).
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

A Christian is defined as a person who adheres to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and son of God. Catholics meet that definition.

Catholics do that. So, derp, yes they are Christian. Jeez.

10 posts

Catholics, are not Christians

Please, not another "if you don't follow mainstream Christianity you aren't Christian" argument. Not only does your argument fly in the face of 2000 years of history, and insult the monks who were Catholic that went BLIND making copies of the Bible so you could have one, but it is frankly bigoted.

And he loves his people, the true Christians.

And what of everyone else? I am a Christian- therefore, I try to do good to everyone, not set myself up on a pedestal like you just did.
Excuse the slight hypocrisy since I did just set myself on a pedestal just then, but it was to make a point.
5,340 posts

I am a Christian- therefore, I try to do good to everyone


what if somehow christianity would be proven wrong. would you stop being good to everyone? what im saying is: cant you be good to people without your religion belief? because unfortunately i met too many people who are like that.
5,552 posts

And he loves his people, the true Christians.

And who would those be? Please do tell. There are an insane amount of people with differing beliefs who are Christian.
13,055 posts

Christianity its real. First of all, Catholics, are not Christians.

Well you just showed your ignorance there.

If you're not Catholic, you're protestant so don't call yourself Christian if you don't know what it is. Unless you refer to the term
Christianism which is defined by overzealous extremist in the US that are opposed to Islamism. In other word, racist, xenophobic and hypocrite.
306 posts

True Christians believe that forgiveness of our sins by Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, and Catholics pray prayers over and over to Mary. Im not saying anything bad about Mary, I believe she was the mother of Jesus, but thats all she is. She is not God. She cannot hear prayers. Jesus is the only person, spiritual or physical, that can hear prayers. Jesus says in the Bible, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father (God), but by me. Catholics contradict this by tyring to work their way to Heaven and praying to God through Mary.

10 posts

what if somehow christianity would be proven wrong. would you stop being good to everyone? what im saying is: cant you be good to people without your religion belief? because unfortunately i met too many people who are like that.

Well, if it were me, and this were to happen, this is how I probably would handle it:
- Spend first couple months bouncing back and forth from denial and depression
- Spend the next year crazy as the depression would drive me to hallucinating; personally I'd hope to become a Jedi knight, but you never know...
- After this, I would spend 5 years in an insane asylum, probably after whacking someone with a stick while yelling "DIE SITH LORD!"
- After coming to terms with the matter, I'd remember that my entire concentration with Christianity is the pursuit of becoming a better man, and that I believed that the doctrine and ordinances involved with Christianity (as well as Jesus' paying the price of sin) are geared not to fearful appeasement of an eternal being (which is an idea which I find evidence of originating from the Greeks), but to help you do good without the prodding of an eternal being- that any being's greatest power, no matter who it is, is being able to empower another.
- From there, I'd probably become a Free Mason or something to replace the religion I lost, and spend the rest of my life trying to figure out what happens to the intellect when you die while trying to become a better man.
While still wearing the Jedi suit.
306 posts

Fortunately, Christianity will never be proven wrong. It will grow more apparent that it is completely right as the tribulation unfolds. All the things predicted in the book of the Bible Revelation will come to pass.

5,552 posts

All the things predicted in the book of the Bible Revelation will come to pass.'d be nice to have that over and done with.

Fortunately, Christianity will never be proven wrong.

Parts of it already have been proven wrong (literal meaning) that were once main doctrine. Eventually, all that will be left of any religion are metaphors, stories, and faith.
58 posts

I'm christian, but my religion doesn't even follow the Bible. In fact, it can be considered stupid blindly believing it SOLELY because your religious leader (priest, reverend, w.e.) says you have to. I've read many parts of the Bible just out of curiosity, and have truly come to know that it has many hidden messages, which generally show you that any Christian belief is SUPPOSED to be based on love, charity and simply following the concept of only doing to others what you'd like to have done to yourself (don't make sexual jokes about that, please...). Simply put, you don't have to be a prick about religions to be a "Christian". You just have to be a good person.

5,552 posts

"Christian". You just have to be a good person.

Christian does not equal good person. All it means to be a Christian is that you believe Jesus is the son of God. That's it. That leaves a -lot- of room for personal interpretation.
306 posts

"Christian" has nothing to do with being a good person. You can cuss, drink, smoke, steal, and sin all you want, and still be a Christian. You are a Christian when you pray to God and ask him to save you from your sins you have committed. After you have done this, you no longer have the desire to sin. You still can sin, but you do not enjoy it as much as before. This is because Jesus is in your heart and filling you with the desire to do right, not wrong.

8,256 posts

True Christians believe that forgiveness of our sins by Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, and Catholics pray prayers over and over to Mary. Im not saying anything bad about Mary, I believe she was the mother of Jesus, but thats all she is. She is not God. She cannot hear prayers.

Catholics pray prayers to Mary because they see her as a saint, not as a goddess. Saints are also commonly prayed to, yet they're perfectly human and catholics know that. Believe it or not, it's not a detail that will make catholics non-christian.

Fortunately, Christianity will never be proven wrong. It will grow more apparent that it is completely right as the tribulation unfolds. All the things predicted in the book of the Bible Revelation will come to pass.

Fine for me if you believe so. You'll be able to tell us "told ya!"
as many times as you want if it becomes true, but up to then, please keep it to yourself.

"Christian" has nothing to do with being a good person. You can cuss, drink, smoke, steal, and sin all you want, and still be a Christian. You are a Christian when you pray to God and ask him to save you from your sins you have committed. After you have done this, you no longer have the desire to sin. You still can sin, but you do not enjoy it as much as before. This is because Jesus is in your heart and filling you with the desire to do right, not wrong.

So someone who's been bad all life gets to heaven after praying to god once, and someone who doesn't, but who's been good all life long gets straight to hell? That really doesn't make me want to accept this religion as truth, I prefer non-existence by far..
306 posts

I am not trying to rub it in anyones face. And, yes, someone who's been bad all life gets to go to Heaven by praying to God once. Jesus says, "...not of works, lest any man should boast...". Good works make you a good person, but they do not influence if you get into Heaven or not.

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