ForumsForum GamesHa ha, funny story...

33 4231
1,900 posts

Well, AG users, I'm back with another brilliant idea.
The rules are fairly simple,
You write an action like:
*slams a wrecking ball through your house*
Then you follow up with:
"Ha ha, funny story..."

Obviously you're targeting the user above you. You can abridge this any way you like, just as long it doesn't get Too Much off topic.

I can't do any actions until somone posts, so do your worst.

  • 33 Replies
1,515 posts

While that might be true (and believe me I agree completely, these are completely RANDOM and LAME) it also presents the users of the thread with a chance to come up with creative ideas. What makes it a game is trying to make the post funny BECAUSE it's random and lame (although I do agree, the users of this thread to a TERRIBLE job of it). My thought is that, while this is lame and rather pointless, it might still be entertaining to SOMEbody (not sure who, but still) and can still provide some measure of entertainment to those beyond this mystery person. Someone reading might be able to get SOME entertainment out of the stories presented by these people. It might not appear to be a game, but it holds deeper meaning in that the people posting get entertainment out of presenting a completely random sentence that might be funny to them.

1,900 posts

Wow. Harsh.
Especially by a mod. I mean, you can give me critisism about this thread and maybe give me a basis on which to improve it, but don't critisize me for trying out a new game. I've only been on here for a month, so I'm trying out new things. Is that really any reason to call this useless. I'm sure you'll find a way to insult me/this game further, but think, is it really worth it? Not @ you epicness.

5,043 posts

Wow. Harsh.
Especially by a mod. I mean, you can give me critisism about this thread and maybe give me a basis on which to improve it, but don't critisize me for trying out a new game. I've only been on here for a month, so I'm trying out new things. Is that really any reason to call this useless. I'm sure you'll find a way to insult me/this game further, but think, is it really worth it? Not @ you epicness.

Think of me as just a regular member who's being a jerk, not as a moderator. If you want to come up with a forum game, try to think of something that makes people think. Try to challenge people in some way. Telling someone to say anything they want, followed my a phrase, isn't really much of a game. That's like two people playing a game where they just poke each other with sticks.

Don't let anything I say get to you, I apologize, I shouldn't have been so harsh, especially as a moderator.
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