ForumsForum GamesI am different and I respect that

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2,779 posts

Ever been treated differently because well, you're different? Express your feelings now.

Most people acuse me of spam and think I should know everything on AG. To be truthful I am kinda stupid when iy comes to online chatting but that doesn't mean people should acuse me of spam for being curious or angry or for repeatitive asking.

I am different and I respect that.

  • 5 Replies
2,779 posts

Oh so you think you have more power than me so you have the rights to put me on a lower rank in your thread! You think that is taking over? well then that is not taking over THIS is taking over:

One day chuck norris killed mark. Chuck is an insane cannibal so one day, I kill chuck and he died. I became the ruler of the world for killing Chuck norris and got everything I wanted

the end

If you only want me to be the extra that would be no fun. But I'd admit, everyone has diff ideas but at least just use 20% of what I say.

2,779 posts

Here is a diff one then:

I am a girl but people treat me as a boy. Not just online but in the real world as well. I don't mind being a tomboy but I do mind people harassing me for it. Yet that is myself so I don't care what people say.

I am different and I respect that.

13,657 posts

I just can't... not comment on this.
First of:
Alexandra: This is the internet. No one cares if you are a girl, a tom boy, a homosexual cow monk or an alien. Because, you know, you are on the internet. You are not judged by what you wear, the colour of your skin, the way you talk, any of that. You are judge on how you write and how you interact with others. So being treated differently on the internet is not due to being a girl, it's just how people react to what you write and how you chose to do it.
Same goes for the spamming and so forth. If you have a problem with it, and you sound like you do, go to a moderator, ask them to look into it and otherwise ignore it.
Take the high road, don't get involved, and perhaps, if you think you might be making stupid comments, take a while to look over what you write and ask yourself if you really want to post it and have that be a part of your online identity.
It's that easy.

Blk: Report and move on. Acting like a school yard bully isn't the way to get anything done, and going "Stop spamming!" or "Stop being a moron" or whatever really changes nothing besides you looking like an aggressive kidmonster, which I can only assume isn't what you want.
This is the forum games, it's where bored people go and use a few hours replying to everything. It is impossible to stop someone from replying to every reply made in a thread they participate in when they are online, because that's just how this section works, just like nothing is stopping you from replying to every reply made while you are online in your own threads or a discussion you participate in. This is a public forum, there is no rule against participating, as long as what you participate with has useful and thought-out content. A rule that does not even go for the forum games, because no thought process will survive here for very long.
So, if people are doing something you don't find fitting in your games, take a deep breath and explain to them calmly that you would like them to give others a chance of playing against others than them.
It's pretty simple:
"Hey, I have noticed you really like playing this game. Nice to know you like it and all, but I was wondering if you could cut a bit back on the replies? The point of this game is to [write a long continued story/rate others whatever/cuddle kittens] and while your replies does bump up the thread a lot, it would be kinda nice to give people a chance to [write based on someone else/rate someone else/cuddle non-used kittens]. So, just lay back a bit and let others have their go, will you? Thanks in advance, good gaming."
That way they know what you are concerned about, why, and you aren't attacking them.

Now, with that out of the way:
Obligatory pointing out this is the forum games, not the Tavern.
Obligatory pointing out there is little use in a thread like this, mainly due to the fact that it now has been ruined, and that people are different anyway, and that there is no discussion in this.
Obligatory pointing out the narcissist tactic of threads like these based on that one cracked article going over narcissistic tactics on the internet.

Oh, and go take a break. Read the stickies and the rules, ponder them a bit, ask questions if you have any, all that. Just... take a break, get a bit more levelheaded (unlike me, who have been ranting) and move on. Everything will be better after that.

1,515 posts

This isn't exactly a game, put this in a different area of the community.

1,900 posts

There was argument, there was accusations, there were lack of communications, there was understanding, then there was opinion to move this to another place, amen.

So either lock it, or put it in the tavern or somewhere like that...

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