You wake up all by yourself in a room filled with mirrors. as you walk around, you see nothing but the bright lights from above and your reflections on the walls. You get up and your head starts pounding. You try to remember what happened to you last but you cant remember....anything. you have no idea how you got here, where you are or even who you are. Your head is hurting you so much you have to sit down. You have a strange feeling from inside of you. You feel yourself begin to heat up from the inside out. Then you experience another strange feeling. You feel....connected, a small part of the whole. The heat from inside continues to rise and your head feels worse. You throw up from everything going on in your body. Now you feel relived. Now, you begin to think again. Now you realize something is not right with you. Now you realize that you must get out. ---------------- Character sheet: Nameno "real" names. something simple. one word, as you dont know your name) gender: description: this would be how you look in the mirrors. this would also give a rough guess as to how old you are. (notice: you dont look to pretty right now.) abilities: (to be given later) goal: (will be changed by me) allies: n/a (you know no one right now) enemies: n/a ---------------- and now for some FAQ Q: can we interact with other users? A: yes, but not from the beginning. You will find each other eventually.
Q: what are the "allies" and "enemies" for? A: once again, as you go through the game, you encounter more users. Users are free to make allies and enemies with each other. Teams are a welcome idea.
Q: how will the dialogs between players work? A: once you start a conversation with a user, i will not post in the middle of your conversation. if someone talks to you, you must do something to reply to them. once the conversation ends, then i will begin to guide you through the game again. when you say another users name, put it in bold and caps so they see it and dont ignore you. ---------- enjoy
Character sheet: Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: (to be given later) goal: (will be changed by me) allies: n/a (you know no one right now) enemies: n/a
Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: n/a goal: n/a allies: n/a enemies: n/a
the lights above brighten and everything goes white. you then awake in a bigger room made of stone with a window made of glass where people are watching you. you hear an announcement as you wake up from your daze. "1337 aka "volcanic". test 1." you hear metal clanging together in te back round when a door opens. out comes a huge man, most likely a security guard, with a gun. a doctor comes i behind him with a small table on weels. on the table there are three buckets. in the first is water, the second their is a lighter and the third has a small battery. "Choose one bucket" says the doctor. as you come near the buckets, the one with water seems to be repelling you, like two negative ends of a magnet.
Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: Goal: Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
a team of doctors is hazmat suits come rushing in. they have a table and some chains. they grab you by the arms and try to force you down onto the table to tie you up with the chains.
Character sheet: Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: (to be given later) goal: (will be changed by me) allies: n/a (you know no one right now) enemies: n/a
Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: likes fire goal: escape while you can allies: n/a enemies: n/a
as you reach your hand into the bucket, the lighter explodes into fire. your hands are in the fire, but you feel no pain. The doctor panics and dumps the water into the fire. you pull your hands back and see that they are on fire. the doctor dumps the rest of the water on your hands, but the fire doesnt go out. now is your chance.
Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: Goal: Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
they will not talk to you, but they force you down to the table and tie you up. now another doctor comes in with a small metal table full of small needles and other sharp pointy things.
Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: likes fire goal: escape while you can allies: n/a enemies: n/a
Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: likes fire goal: escape while you can allies: n/a enemies: n/a
you cant breathe fire, but thinking about burning the people, the fire leaps from your hands and does your will. now you grab the key the doctor had and run towards the door to escape out. as you exit the room, an alarm begins to sound. you sprint down the hallway, you hands still in flames. you see two guards out side of a room that looks very much like the room you were in before. you see a man tied to a table with chains in the room. --------- Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: Goal: Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
you cant move, but an alarm sounds. you hear angry shouts and the doctors all seem to become worried about something else. you smell smoke. you try to wriggle free of your chains while the doctors are distracted and manage to free your hand.
Name: Hades Gender: Male Description: Average height, Lean/Muscular, White, Blue eyes, Glasses Abilities: None Goal: Allies: None Enemies: None
three big men come into the room. one puts what looks like a collar around your neck. he then attaches three polls to the collar and hands a poll to each of the other guards. then he puts hand cuffs on you. the door opens and it looks like you are being moved to a new room. they take you to a dark room where they then tie you down to a testing table. next to you, you see drills and needles. this cannot end well you think. a doctor comes in and begins to wash his hands.
Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: Goal: Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
no key, no knife, but you take another look at the needles. you then realize that you can pick the lock with the needles. you hear footsteps outside and the smell of smoke grows stronger
Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: healing factor, acid blood Goal: escape Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
no windows. it looks like the door is the only option. but a guard sees you and grabs his gun. he shoots you in the shoulder. you look over at your shoulder and see that their is a small hole in it. then the hole begins to smoke and green slime begins to fill it in. you quick re healed yourself and it looks like the bullet melted from something like acid.
Name: subject 1337 gender: male description: short(ish), brown hair, lean but strong, ragged blue shirt, old jeans. abilities: likes fire goal: escape while you can allies: n/a enemies: n/a
the guy got up off the table and was shot in the arm by a guard. you then burn up the guard. the other guy is BLK2860 or NICK. you then feel very tired. apparently, you cant use up that much fire that fast. ----- Name: Nick Gender: Male Description: Slick Black Hair, Green eyes, Wounds on Torso, Battle Scar on face, 20ish Abilities: Goal: Allies: n/a Enemies: n/a
you see LIGHT CHASER or 1337 burst into the room. his hands are on fire and he takes out the guard. he looks very tired.