ForumsWEPRVulgar land

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534 posts

I'm sure you people here other people cuss everyday, and i'm sure you've probably done some as well. One day when I was playing basketball with other teens they prey much said all kinds of words: "Come on man shoot that **** shoot that ****!" "He ain't gonna **** that ****!" "yeah baby! That's what i'm ***** talking about" "You ****!"

Every single sentence has vulgar. Doe's no one have common sense? Cussing is not a way of life. I'm sick of hearing stuff like that! The world is not a vulgar land.

What do you people think? Should the world be full of swearing? Or should we just have some common sense and stop with the cussing?
Really people, I'm sick of vulgar.

  • 112 Replies
1,434 posts

To many people I know cussing is harsh. It's wrong and it shouldn't be said. Jeez how can you people not understand that it is wrong?Haven't any of your parents said not to use vulgar?

Again, freedom of language. Regardless of the word, we're still trying to get a message across. If I say "sugar" when I burn myself on a hot plate, I'm still trying to get across a particular message that would have still gotten across even if I used the other term for "fecal matter".

Sometimes you want to use the taboo terms to show how awesome something is. Let's say your friend, idk, puts on a stellar performance at a play or something. You walk up to him afterwards and say "(S-word) man, that was really (F-word-ing) awesome!". It shows that you're willing to risk punishment from those in authority who would condemn the users of the terms in order to display affection and congratulations for a particularly well-done job.

And, yes, I was taught not to curse as a child. That parent eventually fell into obscurity when it came to persuasion and the other taught me to love my words and to always thank the fact I'm a thinking, living, breathing human, and not some automaton.

9,462 posts

It also stirs up anger.

Actually it's viewed as a coping mechanism for anger and can help reduce stress.

"Time and again, people have told me that cursing is a coping mechanism for them, a way of reducing stress,"
"It's a form of anger management that is often underappreciated."
-Dr. Timothy Jay professor of psychology

To many people I know cussing is harsh. It's wrong and it shouldn't be said.

Swearing exists in every language and has been found to exist even in Chimpanzees, it's believed that swearing may have even existed almost before we had language.
Most researchers think swearing stems from word magic, where early cultures believed words had power. It was beli8eved certain words could curse or bless a person. So it was believed a person could actually do harm to another by using a "curse" word. This of course is not the case. In today's society it's simply a social taboo. has an interesting article on swearing.
534 posts

Its actually been proven that cursing reduces pain.

If a person thinks of something hard it keeps them from noticing any pain. These people are cursing and thinking about how much of a problem it is instead of the pain. Right now i am thinking about typing while my arm is in severe pain. So cursing perhaps it does help but there are better ways to reduce the pain.
5,552 posts

You still have yet to provide evidence for how cursing is bad. Until you do so, you can't make "better or worse" statements.

3,386 posts

I swear all the time, they are just words. I don't understand how people think they are bad. Though I do usually stop swearing if it bothers anyone around me.

The argument should've ended here.

S word, we understand means feces in most uses of it.
F word, coitus or a flavorful adjective.
D word, this should be the only word that you are concerned with, deathbewithyou. I assume (sorry if I'm wrong) that you're Christian.
N word, has been around for a while, degrading to some, endearment to others. I personally don't care who says it no matter the color, as long as you aren't saying it to be rude.
MF, I don't even know where it came from, but it's just another flavorful adjective, usually used to enhance the regular F word adjective.
I know I'm missing out on a few others, but whatever. You get the point, right? The only one that should be an issue is the D word, or possibly the N word. If you have a problem with the others, then like Nicho said, you are as sensitive as a mimosa.
4,104 posts

If a person thinks of something hard it keeps them from noticing any pain. These people are cursing and thinking about how much of a problem it is instead of the pain. Right now i am thinking about typing while my arm is in severe pain. So cursing perhaps it does help but there are better ways to reduce the pain.

Not everybody has the power to meditate past pain (very few people do). Also, if i, lets say, just stabbed myself with a fork, the first thing going through my head isn't "Why don't i distract myself with something like typing?".
9,462 posts

Not everybody has the power to meditate past pain (very few people do). Also, if i, lets say, just stabbed myself with a fork, the first thing going through my head isn't "Why don't i distract myself with something like typing?".

Really, if I stabbed myself with a fork I think the first thing to go through my head would be "SON OF A F***!!!!"
534 posts

Not everybody has the power to meditate past pain (very few people do). Also, if i, lets say, just stabbed myself with a fork, the first thing going through my head isn't "Why don't i distract myself with something like typing?".

What I do when I get injured badly is count to ten over and over. Yelling doesn't seem to help much. and cussing well a wouldn't say them over and over.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

What I do when I get injured badly is count to ten over and over. Yelling doesn't seem to help much. and cussing well a wouldn't say them over and over.

Different people do it differently. And the vast majority of people don't meditate internally and decide to act rationally or calmly in such situations; In such circumstances one is filled with shock, anger, surprise, etc, feelings which are more than likely to cause an outburst.

As many have said, I don't care what you or others use as alternative methods to relieve such tension and stress; what I do mind is when some prissy, straightlaced fella tells me that what I'm doing as a natural response is wrong, evil, and what not.
534 posts

As many have said, I don't care what you or others use as alternative methods to relieve such tension and stress; what I do mind is when some prissy, straightlaced fella tells me that what I'm doing as a natural response is wrong, evil, and what not.

actualy most people try to say this nicely, "I know it hurts, but please try not to use vulgar." one time some kid showed up and said, "when I'm hurting I just think of bunnies."
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

actualy most people try to say this nicely, "I know it hurts, but please try not to use vulgar."

Let me rephrase since my last post was too mild. No one should stick their large pointy noses into the business of what I say and what not aside from my parents and teachers when I'm growing up.

To act all hurt and innocent is to be overly protectionist and stick your head into the mud. Wake up, this is the real world, and politically correct tete a tete do not feature much in them.
74 posts

Let me tell you a little story....

When Little Jimmy's parents were building the Dimples' new house, Little Jimmy was idle, randomly taking letters in his mind and making nonsensical "words." He stumbled onto one quite by accident... and not-very-brightly scrawled it on the cinder blocks forming the house's crawlspace.

Little Jimmy's dad saw it, went nuclear, and took a paint-stirring stick to the child's backside.

Later on, Little Jimmy said it out loud. To his MOTHER. She gave him the same thing.

Big Jimmy (a.k.a. yerz truly) has been a very clean mouthed chap after that.

And I'm with you, deathbewithyou. I believe that foul words are the lazy-brained folks' cheap attempt at trying to sound forceful. Though sometimes when I hear people talk, if I were to bleep out the curse words, it'd sound like someone trying to send a message in Morse code.

Wait, let me translate this rap singer's message: "I... A...M... A... M...O...R...O...N."

534 posts

When Little Jimmy's parents were building the Dimples' new house, Little Jimmy was idle, randomly taking letters in his mind and making nonsensical "words." He stumbled onto one quite by accident... and not-very-brightly scrawled it on the cinder blocks forming the house's crawlspace.
Little Jimmy's dad saw it, went nuclear, and took a paint-stirring stick to the child's backside.
Later on, Little Jimmy said it out loud. To his MOTHER. She gave him the same thing.
Big Jimmy (a.k.a. yerz truly) has been a very clean mouthed chap after that.

We need to listen to our parents when they tell us to never use vulgar. But some people would rather go behind their backs and start cussing to look cool. Some of you will say, " well my Dad does the same thing." Let me tell you something. Do as your parents say, not as they do. Your parents only want you to be better than they are.
8,256 posts

Little Jimmy's dad saw it, went nuclear, and took a paint-stirring stick to the child's backside.

Later on, Little Jimmy said it out loud. To his MOTHER. She gave him the same thing.

Big Jimmy (a.k.a. yerz truly) has been a very clean mouthed chap after that.

So to summarize that, you have no logical explanation why swearing words are 'foul'. They just are. Is that right?

And I'm with you, deathbewithyou. I believe that foul words are the lazy-brained folks' cheap attempt at trying to sound forceful. Though sometimes when I hear people talk, if I were to bleep out the curse words, it'd sound like someone trying to send a message in Morse code.

I don't like it either when someone overuses it; it sounds ridiculous and I can't take what the person said seriously. But like I said, it's got to do with common sense; swearing only once occasionally does no harm to anyone who isn't overly sensible. They are just words, they have nothing to do with being stupid or not. Their usage is what sometimes makes them so aggressive, but that's all.
9,462 posts

Little Jimmy's dad saw it, went nuclear, and took a paint-stirring stick to the child's backside.

Use a swear word = bad
smack your kid around with a paint stick = good

Something is seriously messed up here.
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