The sequel to World Domination, this time you're the protagonist. A break in the fabric of time, you get sent to the year 2150. You get sent into a facilty, for testing some strange things you cannot comprehend. You look around, and discover a map on the wall. Your in a labyrinth, and mean to escape and find out whats going on.
Name: Level:1 Exp:0/1000 Money:$ ExpertisePhysics and weapons, Biology and genes, Chemistry and explosives, Earth and space science) ---------- SP:40 IntelligenceOverall Intelligence for everything) PhysicsHow well you do in the physics area) BiologyHow well you do in the biology area) ChemistryHow well you do in the chemistry area) Space ScienceHow well you do in the Space science area) LuckHow lucky you are in most cases) CombatHow well your skills are at combat) DominationHow good you are at gaining territories) ControlHow well you are at winning allies and gaining control of other people.) ---------- Inventory: Weapon Equipped: Defense Equipped: Mount Equipped: