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400 years ago, civil war broke out in Cybertron. The newly formed factions battled it out, until the planet was a ravaged junk yard. The autobots, seeing that they could not save the planet, organized and flee'd across the galaxy. The decepticons began to rebuild the planet, only to find that the planets core had been set to self destruct, causing the decepticons to follow the autobots into deep space. The two factions now battle viciously, in a race to find artifacts that could change the war.

Name: (Something that is realistic for a transformer name. Nothing like Bob Jones, but more so Sun Blaster)
Faction: (autobot or decepticon)
Legacy: None(Will be added as you move on, detailing what you have done)
Class: (see below)
Equipment: (see below)
Armor: (see below)
Perks: (pick one from your class)
Energon: (Depends on class)
Alt Mode: None
Description: (What you look like)



Medic(Like rachet)-Heals and repairs his or her allies
Equipment: Heal ray, Repair kit, Energon pistol
Armor: Medic chest 0.7, Shoulder plates basic, Knee gaurd basic
Perks: Synthetic energon(Able to create synthetic energon, which livens up the consumer, and super charges them), Charge blast (able to super charge your heal ray, causeing the target to be disintigrated), Jury rig (Can jury rig a dead corpse into a mindless drone for 5 minutes), Decoy (able to create a decoy hologram of ones self)
Energon: 250

Soldier(Like iron hide)-Provides covering fire for his comrades
Equipment: Energon rifle, Energon grenade
Armor: Soldier plate, Soldier gauntlets, Soldier shoulders, Soldier Leg plates
Perks: Rush (Temporarily increase your speed), Overload (overload your weapon with energon, causeing it to explode in 5 secands), Repair (repair broken machinary, makeing it useable again)
Energon: 400

Heavy(Like bulkhead)-Takes care of the big jobs, like smashing combiners
Equipment: Spike fist
Armor: Heavy chest, Heavy arms 0.3, Reinforced legs
Perks: Berserk (go berserk and smash everything in your sight) Self destruct (eject your spark and destroy your body in a huge explosion), Drain (consume a corpse to get an energon bonus)
Energon: 600

Scout(like bumblebee)- Scouts the area and sneaks around
Equipment: Duel energon pistols, energon knife
Armor: Light scout plate, scout shoulders
Perks: Cloak (Turn invisible temporarily, unable to use weapons till its deactivated), Impersonate (Copy the voice of a target temporairly), Decoy (make a holographic impression of your self to trick enemys)
Energon: 200


Surgeon(Like knockout)-Cutting off the limbs of your fellow soldiers and useing them against the enemy
Armor: Surgeon plate, reinforced shoulders
Equipment: Energon saw, Energon pistol
Perks: Surgery (Replace limbs of your self and others with whatevers around), Dark energon (Implant dark energon in something, causeing it to spark to life as a zombie), Scavenge (Scavenge energon from the dead)
Energon: 250

Warrior(Like brawl)- Smash everything and kill everything
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Perks: Rage (Go in a rage, with double melee damage), Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path), Roar (Let loose a terrifying roar, boosting the moral of those around you)
Energon: 400

Decepticon abomination(like shockwave)-Destroy, assassinate, obey
Armor: Bone plated chest, Purple steel body suit
Equipment: Eye laser, energon rifle
Perks: Call (call a beast from the area to your aid, controling it), Wipe (wipe the memory from the target chosen), Disguise (disguise your self as the target)
Energon: 100

Decepticon spy(like soundwave)-Loyal stalkers
Armor: Light chest, light legs, reinforced shoulders
Equipment: Energon pistol, energon grenade, duel energon blades
Perks: Spy (Hear everything within 10 yards), Vision (see through any material, be it a planet or wall), Transport (Teleport up to 30 yards away)
Energon: 300

Please let me know if anything is unclear, as it is very late right now, and its hard to see how this will end up.

  • 56 Replies
5,365 posts

Honestly, this looks awesome and I want to join, but I'm on an iPod and it's hard to fill out stuff on it. Just a question for when I sign up tomorrow: Exactly what kind of info should I put in Description? I mean, could you give me a detailed example?

486 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

Is this good?

1,761 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

Great! You are ordered onto a scout ship, headed to a planet were they suspect autobots are constructing a base. There is a pilot, 2 scouts, and you. You are the commander of this ship(Temporarily, until they get someone of a higher rank to command it). You have two options as to where to go. Your approaching a asteroid field. You can around it, and possibly encounter autobot ships OR you can go through the field, and hope your ship doesn't get smashed to pieces.

@legion, an example would be like "Glowing red eye on head, with long claw like arms. Has a purple upper body with bones painted on it, and talon like legs. His shoulders both sport the decepticon symbol, highlighted in black." Also, if you find a transformer picture, and want your transformer to look like that, just post the picture. However, please dont do anything like posting Optimus prime G1, or Megatron (prime).

1,761 posts

For example, legion, if you found this guy, and wanted to be him, you could just post a picture. Its ok to use someone like this guy, because no one knows who he is. (Of course, i know who he is)
Or like this guy, once again, someone know one would know so its not like your just playing as megatron.(And if your wondering, both of these guys are shockwave from different countinuites.

16,287 posts

Hey save me a spot please, I'm on my phone right now

486 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

I'll hope my pilots are good enough to navigate through the asteroids. I'm not sure we want to run into autobots, considering there could be very many.

1,761 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

You begin to fly through it. About halfway through, a asteroid hits the side of your ship, breaching the hull. You all have to rush into the cockpit and seal it with the airlock.

I may not have been clear on energon, but basically, its your health, ammo, and energy.

Also forgot to add the two bounus classes.


Seeker(Like starscream)-Flying decepticons that bring terror to the skys.
Armor: Seeker plate, Seeker wings
Equipment: Energon blaster
Perks: Fly (temporarily fly, without the aid of a alt mode), Over heat (burn your thrusters to the max, scorching all around you), Carry (Let a passenger board you when you fly)

Mega(Like trypticon)-Giant decepticons
Armor: City plate
Equipment: Mouth cannon
Perks: Dispatch (dispatch a small squad of 5 drone decepticons from your self), Assimilate (Attach various pieces of metal to your self, like adding a building or so), Unleash (Unleash the various turrets and lasers from your body, devestating all)


Sleuth(like breakaway)-Autobot snipers
Equipment: Energon long rifle, Energon pistol
Armor: Reinforced plate
Perks: Spot (spot the nearest enemy, even if their hidden), Thruster (Use thrusters on the bottom of your feet to fly), After image (Leave a after image of your self to fool the enemy)

Citybot(Like metroplex)-Large autobots turning the tide of the war
Armor: Giant plate
Equipment: Arm cannons
Perks: Release (release a autobot that is remote controled), Demolish (Unleash a giant mouth laser, destroying most thing on contact), Roar (Let loose a terrifying roar to shock your enemys)

486 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

I atempt to find the airlock to seal teh cockpit with. If I succeed, I pray we can fly the rest of the way. If I fail, I pray we fly the rest of the way. No point in turning back.

5,365 posts

Name: Nightedge
Gender: Male
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Surgeon
Equipment: Energon saw, Energon pistol
Armor: Surgeon plate, reinforced shoulders
Perks: Surgery
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None

Cool, thanks. It was so hard picking just one perk. Alright, for my description, I want my Transformer to look like this (the one on the left), except the purple is replaced with green, and the red face part is replaced with orange.

16,287 posts

Name: Scrounge
Faction: Autobot
Class: Medic
Equipment: Heal ray, medkit, Energeon pistol
Armor: Medic chest 0.7, Shoulder plates basic, Knee gaurd basic
Perk: Jury rig
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None
Description: A rusty red color, covered in dents, torso is rounded in shape, a bit shorter than your average bot.

Sorry for any errors in description only saw a couple movies

1,761 posts

Name: Nightedge
Gender: Male
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Surgeon
Equipment: Energon saw, Energon pistol
Armor: Surgeon plate, reinforced shoulders
Perks: Surgery
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None
Description: See pg1, purple<green, red<orange

Your supporting a team of 3 warriors, a scout, and a seeker that are headed to check out a suspected autobot base. You are air dropped onto the battle field, but soon spot a patrol of 3 autobot scouts. You cant let the autobots know your there until you get to the base, and the 3 warriors are hideing behind a rock to avoid detection. However, there is nothing to hide you and the seeker.

Name: Scrounge
Faction: Autobot
Class: Medic
Equipment: Heal ray, medkit, Energeon pistol
Armor: Medic chest 0.7, Shoulder plates basic, Knee gaurd basic
Perk: Jury rig
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None
Description: A rusty red color, covered in dents, torso is rounded in shape, a bit shorter than your average bot.

Only saw a couple movies? *Inner rage seethes forth* This isnt about the movies! Its about all the transformers of all time of all shows, movies, games, comics and toys of the transformers! *RAEG*

Anyways, your probley the only person that will ever be a autobot here.

A large battle is going on, with autobots and decepticons relentlessly killing each other. Your in the base at the edge of your territory, and your mission is to get into the middle field, and repair the team of heavies that's been turning the tide.

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

You seal the cockpit off, but now your just drifting in the asteroid field, and cant control the thrusters.


Remember, you can scan anything for your alt mode at any time aslong as its size proportional to you. Like, you may be able to turn into a turret, but not a screw driver, or a flag ship. (Of course, if you were a mega or citybot, you could)

16,287 posts

Name: Scrounge
Faction: Autobot
Class: Medic
Equipment: Heal ray, medkit, Energeon pistol
Armor: Medic chest 0.7, Shoulder plates basic, Knee gaurd basic
Perk: Jury rig
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None
Description: A rusty red color, covered in dents, torso is rounded in shape, a bit shorter than your average bot.

*backs away*
Don't hurt me! But really I probably won't be getting toys or reading comics any time soon so do you know any shows of transformers that aren't children's cartoons?

Anywho I approach moving from cover to cover trying to make myself as unitive able as possible, only firing when fired upon

486 posts

Name: Ultima
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Warrior
Equipment: Mace hand, Energon launcher
Armor: Heavy plate, Heavy legs, Reinforced shoulders
Perks: Charge (Charge forward, smashing everything in your path
Energon: 400
Alt Mode: None
Description: Black head and body, bulky, red around sides of head, torso, arms and legs, red decepticon symbol on chest

Are we drifting toward their base? We might be able to go in there, disable a few of them, and steal one of their ships for when we go back.

486 posts

But really I probably won't be getting toys or reading comics any time soon so do you know any shows of transformers that aren't children's cartoons?

Yes, the un-animated movies work extremely well for that. You might be able to ask a used video store for it, or maybe your friends. Sorry for the double post, just wanted to help out.
5,365 posts

Name: Nightedge
Gender: Male
Faction: Decepticon
Legacy: None
Class: Surgeon
Equipment: Energon saw, Energon pistol
Armor: Surgeon plate, reinforced shoulders
Perks: Surgery
Energon: 250
Alt Mode: None
Description: See pg1, purple<green, red<orange

I look for any vehicle to scan and shift into quietly, and have the seeker shift and not move.

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