I am just going to ignore the other replies and take this serious: It is really not a good idea to tell your interviewer too much about certain social positions of yours. Most things are, at least here, prohibited by law to ask about, such as whether someone is going to try and start a family soon, whether they are married, if they have had a history of illnesses and so forth. Things that could potentially mean that you won't get the job based on assumptions. Of course, in some cases the interviewer has the right to do so, in case of chronic diseases that might have an impact on the work done (if you need to have frequent breaks due to something, for example), but they may not judge your potential on this information alone.
While, as mentioned, it is a good idea to ask about privileges, vacations, pay and other such crucial information, it should be done so in a professional manner, alongside any other questions you might have for your hopefully future employer. And it is always a good plan to actually have something planned in advance, so you seem ready to take charge and can work on your own. Hence, it is a bad idea to seem lazy, bored or otherwise not engage in a proper dialogue, however skilled and educated you are.
Otherwise, behaving like a regular, sane person will do the trick.
I heard that if they ask you if you have any questions you should try to say ask at least something (i.i. don't say no)
I think that shows that you put some thought into what you want to know about the company and that you really care. If you don't ask any questions it could give off the image that you are not that interested, at least not as interested as someone that asks questions.
"Do we really need this interview? Come on dude, you know I'm the dude for the job! I'm the hotdog, you're the bun, now let's get together and have some fun!"
"My last job was in Narnia. Your lack of centaurs is disturbing,"
One of my favorites: "What's that smell?" then either: "oh, it's just what I think of this company" or "ahh, I understand.. I like to get drunk before I interview my victims too."
Then why place it in the Tavern when Voidy has been locking threads with little content? Thread suicide? Considering you even numbered your own suggestions kinda leads to the whole "How to get kicked out of [...]" and "You know you play too much [...] when" threads, both in the forum games.
But fine, look, I can play this game, I mean, answer this thread too: Nothing. You should never say nothing during an interview.