Your a (_job_) in Agrebli, the city you were born in.Your mom sends you off into the world, you have a family,a house,and a pet.One day a creature attacks your husban/wife.
name: age:at least 18 gender: family: job:below ---------------- stats attack: depends on your job envaison:depends on your job agility:depends on your job health:100/100 healty ------------------------- quest and backpack quest:none yet objective: ill tell you quest items:none items:come with your job
bandit:items one dagger three poisions 4 vitiamns stats add 75every level up hunterne spear one bow 55 arrows 4 hardtacks stats add fiffty to each in a leavel up animal tamerne cage two whips can talk to animals stats add 25 to each on two level ups