Just pwn the person above you. No trolling/spamming/rulebreaking/rulemaking.Ex.P.1: Like a boss!p.2 I AM THE BOSS!P. 3 You are the boss but i am the boss!...my example was kinda fial, like my spelling of fail.PWN ME!
This text to prevent ban.Pwned for possible duplicate.
Woops i thought the your banned thread was gone, i found it soory ill get a mod to lock it.
You mean to lock you're banned or to lock this thread?
That makes no sense in relation to what I just said.
lol you FAIL
Yeah, and you're one to talk.
exuse ME
Sorry, but you said I fail. You have NO RANK! In fact, you have no AP whatsoever.
I have a higher rank and more points than both of you. So you both fail. PWND!
Firetail_Madness has more then all of you.For the record, YOU'VE BEEN OWNED.
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