This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Korticke looks around at the room. "Let's get the group together and fully healed before we continue. I'd rather we don't have ANOTHER incident to slow our progress due to lack of preparation."
The rogue lets out a heavy sigh. "Didn't the druid already leave to find the ranger? Go find the druid for now, make sure they didn't get in trouble. I'll stay here, with the gnome, as a point of reference in the caves."