This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Ahh, I love fluttershy, she is one of my top three. And that was pretty cute. Oh and, I resent that you embossed carbuncle.
no Next...
Figured as much. Well he could be hunting down a current bounty, when his search leads him to this mining village. He believes the bounty is hiding out either in the village, the outlying forest or in the mines themselves.
Oh alright, well just so you know that was actually a notch above the usual start. Ahh, I love fluttershy, she is one of my top three. And that was pretty cute. Oh and, I resent that you embossed carbuncle.