This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Alright, well the tunnel is about 60 feet long, at a slight incline. But after 40 or so feet the incline becomes much steeper. You can see a soft blue luminescence glows in the distance farther down the ramp.
Well after another ten feet you feel the floor shift before a large pit opens up in the floor. The cleric and rogue manage to jump out of the way just in time to avoid plummeting into the hole. The ranger is not so lucky.
And technically, wouldn't the cleric be in the middle if the rogue moved up front?
It wasn't where you were standing, big enough for each of you, but you all made your saves. The ranger rolled a one, while you rolled a 19 and 20. Alright Dragon, you are in a hole and someone is lowering you a rope. What do you do now. That goes to you all.
Well as you casually approach searching for traps the end of the tunnel finally comes into view.
This enormous cavern extends upwards for at least 100 feet, climbing high into the bowels of the mountain. Glowing blue-green lichens creep across the rough walls and man-sized stalagmites protruding from the ground in this area, their faint light growing and then diminishing again every few seconds. The illumination occasionally highlights small flecks of silver, which glitter in the face of the great western wall of the cave. Several cables hang down from the edge of a wide hollow within that wall. The hollow penetrates deep into the west face of the cavern and begins about 20 feet above where you stand. The air feels cool and damp.