This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Well, Korticke tried to sneak his way in the cavern and failed, getting attacked by eight kobolds. He rushed his way back to the other two, and was healed by the cleric, who then tried to move to cover behind a huge stalagmite, but was shot in the process as well, receiving enough damage to become unconscious. The other two joined him behind the stalagmite, and took shots at the kobolds, eventually having half of them killed. Right now, the conditions of the kobolds' surrender are being negotiated. At the same time, when the whole thing started, DBS asked whether you, Denchot and I would like to start our own encounter on this thread or on our profiles. However, seeing as only Denchot was around at the time, us three couldn't really begin.
Also, a couple of quotes I missed:
Just join the rogue in firing from behind a stalactite.
"What the hell" is so boring and overused, I replace it with "what the halal" sometimes. Completely intentional. Same reason I say Cheesus Crust instead of Jesus Christ.
When it started working (around 3:05 PM), there was indeed some result, seeing as there was zero bot activity for a few minutes. Sure enough, by about ten minutes later, there were still bots posting again, their frequency gradually increasing to meet the one they had previously.
"What the hell" is so boring and overused, I replace it with "what the halal" sometimes. Completely intentional. Same reason I say Cheesus Crust instead of Jesus Christ.
I assumed that, but Coincidence can sure be a *****. I mean, if any of us were a follower of Islam or anything.
Nix this, I knew I should've checked the Sperrgerat first. >.>
Hey hows i going guys. I am here and ready to start.
Didn't you click on the link (same question for the other link, just in case)? If you look at the other words, yes, the "jam" has the meaning of "wedge" and the like, but I say it also has the meaning of the edible jam. If that all is besides the point, I just wanted to make note of captcha 'saying' something that makes some sort of sense. Which it does every now and then, I know... still, was just bringing this to our attention.
Didn't you click on the link (same question for the other link, just in case)? If you look at the other words, yes, the "jam" has the meaning of "wedge" and the like, but I say it also has the meaning of the edible jam.