Forums → Forum Games → The Universal Destruction RPG
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Please read the whole OP, so you can understand the story, as its a very long OP.
Intro and Rules:
The game is set in the early renaissance times, and you, the hero, have just been given magical powers, and been blessed to defeat a strange creature, in all past, present and future. After discovering a machine, otherwise time machine, you can time travel when at the right time.
Level- The higher level, the more better your character can develop.
Exp- When the max limit is reached, you level up, gain 4 skill points, get a bonus 100xLevel Ensiuthnum, and max 20 health and magicka boost.
HP- How much damage you can withstand before dying.
Magicka- Like mana, how much points you have to be able to cast magic.
Gold- Used to buy things, bribe, and many more.
Ensiuthnum- Used when you have collected enough, to upgrade your magic abilities.
Inventory- The place where you hold all your stuff.
???:- This means that you have not discovered this element yet.
-: This means this element is made by you, throughout the game.
The year 1401, you have just done another deal wit Drith. "Pleasure doing business with ya." You have a look around, and see somebody in a white coat, glasses, and very smart looking. He seemed interested in your stocks. "How may I help you? You said. "I was just browsing your fine Glasses." He said. "25 gold each, 5 for 200 gold." "I think I'll pass. My names Francis by the way. Just moved here, setting my experiments and tests here now. Florence was too over crowded with merchants. Now I can live in peace, in Sicily." After the day, you and Francis go look for some ingredients too help him. You come across glowing plinths and pillars in a circle, with some ritual or magical pedastal in the middle. You go and inspect, and the glows speak to you, "You have come and been chosen, to defeat the mighty Encaghr." That was all it said, and the glow seeped into you, and you feel drowsy. You wake up, on your bed with Francis next to you. "You're awake! I took you back here when you fell unconcious." Theres a sudden glow from your hands, and you both observe. "Encaghr, a creature that forms itself into many ways. Not a thing is known about this creature, as the only book it was written in was a strange ancient language no one knew about."
Character Sheet:
Bio:two to three sentences, more if you can.
Physical Desc:
Skill Points:30(Minimum of 4 allocated in Strength, Agility, magic, and Intellect.)
StrengthDetermines your damage in combat and how well you can do physical things)
AgilityHow well you can run and do endurance things)
MagicHow well you can cast spells, and how much damage you can do in magic)
IntellectHow well you can figure things out)
LuckHow lucky you are in finding things.)
CombatHow well you do in combat)
-Magic Skills-
Basic:Magic Ball(14 MP)