Hunters,lots of hunters. With "sticks" that shoot little flames. They are attacking your pack. Only 2 (and ready to fight) one points a "stick" at you. Your dad runs towards the "stick" and gets shot.
What will you do? Will you fight?
name: age:2 gen:boy or girl type of wolf:timber,artic,unknown,or a coustom one looks: pack name: deatials:bio personality ------------------------------------- friends: mate:too young pups:too young -------------------------------------------- agilty:30/30 evasion:40/40 strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy p.s. theese go up with age
Okay. Imma give you a LIIIITTTTLLEEEE help here. The idea is good though
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
Tell me whatcha think (I refuse to be the runner, you'll have to do that)
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
yeah youre good
Your'e dad is on the ground,blood coming from his chest, and the hunter points the "stick" at you what do you do?
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
"lets get them!" yell the hunters. Your dad is draged and you see blood pathing down a trail. What do you do?
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
I continue to flee, but now only walking. I try to find a nice cave, preferably large, with one main entrance, and another second entrance only big enough to let a wolf squeaze through.
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
you see two caves each 1 mile and 7 feet apart one has a big entrance with a larger space in the back. maybe a scret room?
The other has a large entrence with small exit, tiny den and a room in the back full of food and leaves.
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
I pick the one that DOESN'T smell like it's lived in. I pick the onewith the secret room, scouting it out.
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
smells fresher then the other one. Some how theres leaves in a small hole... do you check it out?
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
Of course, I cautiously check it out, ready to fight.
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
smells deadish, you move the leaves and see three dead pups and a live one, whimpering he crawls out looking for his "mom", oddly you dont smell her... what do you do?
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
I howl, hopefully drawing any nearby wolves to my location. I quickly snarf (eat) the dead pups, and care for the live one to the best of my ability. Being a male, I got no milk. I wait for other wolves to show up.
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
you snarf the pups succesfully. soon a female wolf comes, about your age. she sees the pup "why arent you keeping it warm?" she ask
Name: Jin'thul Age:2 Gen: Male Variation of Wolf: RhonWolf Appearance: Silvery-grey fur, glittering yellow eyes, larger than average. Pack monicker: (none yet) Details: An aggressive leader, destined to be an alpha. ------------------------------------- Friends: Mate:too young Pups:too young -------------------------------------------- Agility:30/30 Dominance:5/40 (something like XP) strength:50/50 health:100/100 Healthy
"I'm a male, I don't KNOW these things. You do it." I respond, and step aside for her.