This is my first forum so bear with me. You are an ISO, born from the Sea of Simulation. You are captured and forced to be in the Games;Light Disks, Light Cycles, and Tanks. There will be no interactions between players. Players may be subject to battle each other but I will not say. This is a sandbox game so almost anything is acceptable. You will be given options on what to do Ex. Do you: Aive out of the way B:Block C:Make your own
Name: Gender: Appearence: You have 25 points to distribute: AgilityHow fast and swift you are) StrengthHow powerful you are) IntelligenceYour wits) StaminaHow long you can go in a fight) KindnessYour ability to gain allies)
What Game Do You Specialize InLight Disks, Tanks, or Light Cycles)
landspeeder, if you really want to hand it over, you should go ask people if they want to take it over (about five would be a good start). Hopefully my post will bring this up, more people will look at it, and you'll find someone, otherwise, you should search.