ok rules are Say ''look at my car'' simple right then post a picture of you're carLike that,have fun!
__---~~--__ __---~~--__ \\\\---~~~~~~\\\\ //---~~~~~~// || || __ _____--~~~~~--_____ __ `[__)\\/~ ~\\/(__]' / ''___ ___ '' \\ / /~ `\\ ~~~~----~~~~ /' ~\\ \\ | `[____\\ \\----/ ã /____]' | `. ~-________________-~ .' `. [____/----|~~|----\\____] .' ||=====|| ||=====|| ||====|| ||====|| Hope that worked.Look at my car!
Look at my car !
lol thanks blk2860 and fixters car was my favorite.[i]
jsalmeron, yout car looks kinda like bumblebee from transformers, which is pretty AWESOME!! (my bro made me type that cuz he's a fan of transformers)
Oh cool but remember the rules
rules are Say ''look at my car'' simple right then post a picture of you're car
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