this'll be like any any ancient game, cept a bit more realistic, in the sense that you won't start off as a Spartan/Triarii/charioteer/etc. you start off with a little money and "buy" yourself into your class with basic equipment. you get paid for battles and whatnot then buy yourself up! capishe?
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Empire: (I.E. Greece, Rome, Thrace, Gaul, Egypt, etc.) Physical Desc.:at least 3 Personality:at least 3 Trait: i make Bio: at least 5 sentences, optional Perk: i make ---------- Class: undecided Weapons: Armor: Misc.: Money:1,500 --------- Health: 100/100 Armor: i put Condition: Ok
"Everybody shut up and listen to me! Not that many of us are hurt! It's part of war to do your bidding and protect your country! Would you have these savages run our country? Then fight!"
Name:Matt Duggan Age:17 Gender:Male Empire: Greece City State: Argos Physical Desc.:Big, Muscular, Oaf-ish Personality:Easy to enrage, ruthless, squidward-like Trait: i make Perk: i make ---------- Class: Militia Hoplite Weaponsory Armor:Corinthian helmet, Hoplon Misc.: Money:00 --------- Health: 90/100 Armor: Shield:150/150, Helmet: 75/100 Condition: Ok
"Aye!" as the near, the skirmishers lob javelins and when they turn the corner, many horses skid knocking over many of the men, some of the horses make it and jump over the ranks of men, one runs by and slams a sword in your shield
Name:Matt Duggan Age:17 Gender:Male Empire: Greece City State: Argos Physical Desc.:Big, Muscular, Oaf-ish Personality:Easy to enrage, ruthless, squidward-like Trait: i make Perk: i make ---------- Class: Militia Hoplite Weaponsory Armor:Corinthian helmet, Hoplon Misc.: Money:00 --------- Health: 90/100 Armor: Shield:150/150, Helmet: 75/100 Condition: Ok
"Aye!" as the near, the skirmishers lob javelins and when they turn the corner, many horses skid knocking over many of the men, some of the horses make it and jump over the ranks of men, one runs by and slams a sword in your shield